Chapter 41: Farming Experience, Sibling Squabble

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Sora pov

Me and my friends were currently on our way through farm land to Lumiose City. Dewott by my side, Alice's Esspurr on her shoulder, Kuzas Electrike in his hood, Trish holding his hand, and Toms Bisharp by his side

Where are we? Tom asked as we kept walking

Let me check. We're in a farming district. Alice replied, looking at her phones map

I think I've been in this path before. I said, and started looking around

Really? Tom asked

Yeah, when I was a kid, my parents would take me and Lisa to this farm. I said, than started walking through the forest on my left

Wait up. Kuza said, and I heard my friends following from behind me

"Five minutes later"

Woah are those Milktank? Tom asked, than pulled out his pokedex

Woah are those Milktank? Tom asked, than pulled out his pokedex

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Milktank, the milk cow pokemon, a normal type. If it is around babies, the milk it produces contains much more nutrition than usual. Toms pokedex said, than he put it away

Lie! A pokemon roared behind us, making us turn to look at it

Woah a Liepard! Kuza yelled in fear, and Alice pulled out her pokedex

Woah a Liepard! Kuza yelled in fear, and Alice pulled out her pokedex

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Liepard, the cruel pokemon, a dark type. Their beautiful form comes from the muscles they have developed. They run silently in the night. Alices pokedex said, than she put it away

Wait do I know you? I asked the Liepard after getting infront of my friends, than the Liepard jumped on me and started licking my face

Lie! The Liepard cheered, amd nuzzled its face against mine

I knew it! I yelled, and started scratching under its chin

Alright who's here! You better get out of here before I call the cops! A deep male voice yelled, than a man came out from the forest

Hey uncle. I said, getting out from under the Liepard

Oh it's only Sora. Good to see you're well. My uncle Cross said, than walked up to me

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