Chapter 52: The Adventure Only Ends When Another Begins!

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Sora pov

We were all in a little town on our way to Fleur City, sitting on bench. Alice brushing Linoone and her Meowstics tails. Kuzas Raichu resting on his shoulder. Toms Bisharp slashing the air. Trish playing tag with Slurpuff right in front of us. Dewott sitting on the ground next to my foot

Alice? Is that you? I heard a female voice say

Arceus no. I heard Alice whisper to herself

It is you! The same voice yelled, and a pink haired girl ran over to her

It's so good to see you! Alice yelled with fake excitement, then the two hugged

Um, who is she? Tom asked

This is Mioko. Alice said, looking at us all

That's me. Mioko said

Yeah we have no idea who you are

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Yeah we have no idea who you are. Kuza said

She's a friend before I met you guys. Alice said

That's right. Hey Alice, remember when I'd steal the smallest things from you, and you'd throw a fit in class? Mioko asked with a snicker

Yes, I remember that. Alice said, trying not to yell

So let me guess. You're all on your way to Fleur City. Mioko said

Yeah, we're going to enter the festival before we go our separate ways. Kuza said

Wait, so you're all going to say goodbye to eachother? Mioko asked

In a way. I don't where I want to go for my next journey. I said

I might stay in Kalos for the title of Champion Master. Kuza said

I still don't know what I might do. Tom said

Well I plan to stay here in Kalos, and become Kalos Queen. Mioko said

So that means you're in the pokemon showcase? I asked

That's right. I have two princess keys. Take a look. Mioko said, and pulled out two keys

 Mioko said, and pulled out two keys

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