Chapter 38: Third Badge Second Symbol

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Sora pov

We were all at the gym, waiting at the door for the gym leader to let us in, Lucy was still with us because she wanted to see the battles. Riolu on her shoulder, Dewott by my side, Chimchar on my shoulder, Piplup by Kuzas side, and so on.

Hey let us in! Kuza yelled, and started banging on the door

Kuza knock it off! Alice yelled, and grabbed his hood, pulling him away from door

Hey stop pulling! Kuza yelled back

The doors began to open

You guys all challengers? The person asked

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You guys all challengers? The person asked

I'm here for my third badge, and second frontier symbol. I repiled

And I'm here for .y tjird badge too. Kuza said

I'm the gym leader and Frontier brain, the name's Ryo. Ryo replied

I'm up first for the battle. I said

Alright fine, lets just get this over with. Ryo replied, than yawned

Was he like this when you battled him, Lucy? I asked Lucy, looking at her

Um no, no he wasn't he was more upbeat about the battle. Lucy replied

"Now inside"

This is a three on three battle, and only the challenger may substitute pokemon

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This is a three on three battle, and only the challenger may substitute pokemon. Understand? The referee asked

Yup. Me and Ryo replied at the same time

Ok than, battle begin! The ref yelled

Lets go, Combusken. Ryo said, and held a pokeball out onto the field, than it opened and his first pokemon came out

Combusk! The Combusken roared, and I pulled out my pokedex

Combusken, the young fowl pokemon, a fire and fighting type, and the evolved form of Torchic. During a battle, the hot flame in its body increases. Its kicks have outstanding destructive power. My pokedex said, than I put it away

So if you're using a fire type, I'll use Dewott. I said, and Dewott ran onto the field

Dewott! Dewott roared

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