Chapter 57: Home!

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Nathan pov

Me and Lindsey were in downtown Lumiose, I brought Raboot, Riolu, Farfetch'd, Tarachu, Torracat, and my moms first pokemon, Blastoise. Lindsey only brought her Cyndaquil. Riolu and Tarachu were on my shoulders, Blastoise, Torracat, and Farfetch'd in their balls, and Raboot walking infront of us

Raboot, why do you keep walking ahead of us? I asked, as I caught up to it, but it walked faster

Now's that a rebellious pokemon. A soft voice said, making me, Lindsey, and our pokemon look to the right to see an old woman selling apples

It's been like this since it evolved. I said

All pokemon go through a rebellious stage when evolving. It'll pass. The woman said, and handed Raboot a bag of apples

 The woman said, and handed Raboot a bag of apples

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Ra? I asked

They're for you all, enjoy. The woman said

Thank you. I said, as we kept walking

"Five minutes, town square"

Where are we? Lindsey asked

I have no idea. I replied

Beedrill use Giga Impact! A voice yelled

Use Protect! Another voice yelled, then came an explosion

Lets check it out. I said, and started running over to where the explosion

Wait up! Lindsey yelled behind me

"Now at a battlefield"

Go now! A boy yelled

Bee! His Beedrill roared, and knocked a Garchomp onto its back

Gar. Garchomp groaned

Garchomp is unable to battle, Beedrill wins. Which means the winner is Grayson West of Cyllage City. A Rotom drone said, then flew off

Thanks for helping me get my rank up. The boy known as Grayson said

World Championship normal class battle oppenent is near by. Mine and Graysons phones said at the same time

So you're normal class? Grayson asked, looking at me

Yeah. I replied, and stood where the Garchomp trainer was standing

Do you wish to make a battle appointment? Our phones asked

Yes. Me and Grayson said at the same time, as a drone came by

This is a normal class, one on one battle, with no substitutions. Do you both accepte these rules? The drone asked

Yes. Me and Grayson said at the same time

A battle appointment has been made. Our phones said

Please bring out your pokemon at the same time. The drone said, and a screen with our faces and a pokeball came from the camera lense on it

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