Chapter 26: Oreburgh City!

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Sora pov

Katsu, Emma, and I had just arrived in Oreburgh City, and when we landed we headed straight for the pokemon center

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Katsu, Emma, and I had just arrived in Oreburgh City, and when we landed we headed straight for the pokemon center

Hey professor Chloe, how's everything back in there? I asked Chloe with the pokemon center video phones

Everyones training hard for the Kalos match, and as for your pokemon well, they're. Chloe was saying than Dragonite trampled her

Drag! Dragonite cried

Dragonite it's only been four days. I said to him

Woah you have a Dragonite? Emma asked with shock

Yup. I repiled

So how is Sinnoh. Chloe asked, and back on her feet

It's great over here. I said

Sora, your pokemon are out control! Tom yelled, after running into the room

Which ones? I asked

Well for one, your Sneasels are fighting with Gyarados, and two, your Gengar is fighting with Persian! Tom yelled

Aw man, sorry Tom but there is nothing I can do right now, and the only reason I called was to send over two pokemon I caught in Hoenn. I said

Just send them over and please take Dragonite with you, my none of our bodies can handle his hugs much longer. Chloe said

Ok ok, send Dragonite over, and I'll send over Poochyena and Nincada. I said

Ok than, Dragonite return. Chloe said, than got Dragonite back in his ball

I placed Poochyena and Nincadas pokeballs on the transfer machine than I got Dragonites pokeball

Sora what the heck! Tom yelled

What now? I asked him

Why is your Poochyena a different color compared to when I caught my Poochyena?! Tom yelled with much rage

Pokemon like my Poochyena, and Gengar are hard to find because of their rare colors, just like Ryons Krookodile. I said than hung up the call

So that's Dragonite? Emma asked with excitement

Yup. I said

Well lets see him. Katsu said

Ok, lets go to the battle field out back, and you can meet him

"Now on the battle field"

Ok, Dragonite lets go! I yelled throwing Dragonites pokeball

Drag! Dragonite roared, making the ground, and probably the entire city shake, than stopped and looked at me with a smile

Olu olu! Riolu yelled, than jumped on Dragonites shoulder

Drag Dragonite. Dragonite said to Riolu, than ran over to me and hugged me tighter than ever before

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