Recollection [Sans x Reader]

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Wow pie, our first request! And done none other than by NdragonEyes who is a dear friend of mine. Also if you read this in Papyrus's voice because of the begining, raise your hand. STORYTIME kiddos.

Sans was at grillby's yet again. He felt it on his bones, specifically deep down in his cranium. Yet another reset of the game. Nobody remembered how many times that the game just completely blinked back to the very beginning. Nobody except sans. Or so he thought.

You walked into grillby's for the first time in several resets. After the first one where you accidentally met the deranged killer and got yourself slaughtered heading there you refused. But this time you were able to time when the player would head in so you can finally subside your craving for a burger.

Being the only one knowing what is happening in the world too, a toll on you. Everyone back home called you a freak or a liar. You became secluded and alone, living in the trash dumps among garbage. You became insecure, shy, depressed.

You sat at the bar, not even noticing everyone around you. A pounding in your head would always occur after a reset. It happened every lonesome regeneration. It was like being drunk the night before and you were taken in a massive hangover.

You look to your right, nobody but the emptiness of no stool nor counter. You look to your left and see a skeleton fiddling with a wine glass full of... ketchup? Well, it looked like a classy cocktail with the tiny umbrella in it.

Sans feels that silent little bugger that walked in and sat next to him without a word earlier staring at his drink. Who was this little misfit? Why was she out of routine, and whatsmore, why was she judging him for a nice glass of ketchup? It was better than whiskey was it not?

"Hey, something bothering ya kid?"

He said, whipping his skull to face the monster giving him creepy stares. Well  giving the drink creepy scares. He saw her flinch hard and look him in the eye. She was a scrawny little thing, looking almost like alphys but maybe a differently species? She looked kinda like that little Monster rat who idolizes Alphys But a light purple color and with long hair. Her eyes even shown that they were supposedly to be bright but dulled woth some negative feeling. Loneliness? Rage? Confusion? Maybe even a mix of the three. She looked like she's been through a lot. Then, like that, he heard a whimper from her.

The skeleton scared you. You haven't had monster interaction in, what? Seven, eight gameplays? You didn't know what to do in a normal interaction, since all you've Ha Do were were fights against discriminating and name calling monsters refusing to believe you about the truth, about resets. So you did whatnot any monster would: you cried like the week thing you are,

Sans freaked out internally. Someone needed to wake him up inside. He placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. Dang she was crying hard. And those weren't normal tears like normal monsters had either. She was crying out... blood?! 

"Woah woah! Take it easy kid I want trying to scare ya! Calm it down, aight?"

The reason why you cried blood is because you had no more tears to shed. You cried them out a long time ago back when Undertale was still a new game. You sniffed and wiped blood from your eyes. Looking down at your handsome it made you remember dying at the hands of thst evil player. It made you cringe with pain. Without any context, you whine out softly:

"I don't wanna die again..."

Die again? Wait a second. Does this kid remember the rests too? Sans couldn't believe it. He shouldn't be worrying about this with a sobbing monster girl with blood out of her eyes but it was a priority.

"Wait, again? Do you know about the resets?"

You gasped and looked into the Skelton's eyes. We'll, eye sockets. You sniffed again and wiped more blood from your eyes. Maybe the blood was to remember your first and only death. RIn fact, you weren't supposed to be a defeatable enemy. Just an NPC here in Snowdin but you had to take a little vacation.

"...You know?

You mutter the question and you swear you can see the skeleton grinning wider. No way. You weren't crazy! It wasn't just Dreams! They weren't illusions! You were right! You start laughing, another bloody tear making it's way down your face. Sans just chuckled a nervous yet satisfyingly laugh. After a few moments you die down and look at one another. He sticks out a bony hand.

"I'm sans."

You smile and reach for his.

"I'm (Your name)."


you jump on your stool and land on the ground with Sans laughing. He reveals a whoopie cushion strapped to his hand. How did you not see it? Being alone damaged your sense of humor but you laughed along awkwardly not to be rude.

This was the start of a beautiful friendship.

So how was that? Sorry it took a little long. I was looking at comic dubs and found the one above. And I glad I did. 


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