Drunkless Part Two [Gaster!Sans x Reader]

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I literally just updated it and NdragonEyes6backstab, And sanspapyrusfrisk1 all wanted a part two so here we go.

You stop running, out of breath and legs throbbing. Man, were you useless or what? As you catch your breath you feel something in your pocket vibrate, and vibrate hard. So you didn't drop your phone, at was good. You take it out.

You look at the number. 832-766-3599? That was a number you didn't recognize, yet it was in your area code. You catch your breath before picking it up close to your ear and pressing the call button.

"Yeah? This is (Your name)."

Who knows? It could be a neighbor or someone you knew. Onetime your old neighbor's kid prank called you Andy you got to have a pleasant chat woth their parents for old times sake. One time.

"Yeah, uh Doll? You dropped a little booklet. It had your number in it so I thought I'd call ya and let ya know. Do ya want it back?"

You panicked. You hung up instantly and slammed your fingers agaisnt the screen rapidly, blocking the number. You didn't hear what he had. You just heard the skeleton's voice and flipped out. You slammed your phone back in your pocket and resumed running back home, no matter how hard your legs cried out for mercy. They can suck it up like buttercups, he could be following you!

Sans heard the beeping on the other line saying that the call ended. He tried calling back but he was blocked from it. He must have rattled her up pretty good woth the magic soul thing. Oh well. He looked back down at the book.

"Eh, fuck it."

He didn't realize he said it out loud as he flipped to the next page. In almost childish handwriting it said don't look past this if you aren't me! I warned you! That means to (sibling(s) name(s)! G had to chuckle at how adorable it was before flipping the page. He don't care at all.

It was a February Day when Dad came by before going away. I was very, very little. My siblings were arguing. Who gets to stay with who. I was torn in the middle. I loved Mommy, and I loved Daddy. But... things aren't always perfect. 

All my siblings went with Mommy. She claimed that a child should stay with their Mother forever, being the her parent they emerge from and all. I didn't know at the time what she meant, but after getting "the talk" I knew.

I stayed behind with Daddy, just me and him. Losing everyone I loved, except Daddy of course, hurt me. It made cracks in my soul. One straight down the middle of when I was supposed to choose between both sides of my family I loved.

That night I remembered asking Daddy if he was ever going to fo away like Mommy and my siblings did. He chuckled and ruffled my hair, smiling a depressed smile down at little old me. He told me no, and he was staying right here no matter what. That he would be there for me.

And he was.

G was startled. He didn't expect such family complications from someone like you. He was getting invested in this little story you were writing. Well, this little autobiography you were writing. Wow, your Mom seemed like a bitch. Moving on to the next page...

It was a day in June. I was eight. That's all I remember about the time. We got a call from a number we haven't seen in a long time. 

Mommy called, saying there was a car accident. She survived, but all my siblings didn't. Some were dead, some were never found. Mommy said she was unconscious during everything and she managed to survive unscathed. It was a mircale. She sounded happy she survived. 

But Daddy wasnt. He lost all his kids but me. And he could have lost my if I decided to go with Mommy. He became a lot more protective of me, not letting me even mention Mommy any more. He wouldn't let me go to the funeral since Mommy was going.  We had one of our own in the backyard.

Did I ever mention that I felt like the house was real big and I felt real small?

G didn't beleive the astronomical odds of that. The driver survived unscathed while every other passenger died or wasn't even found somehow? That just sounded like bullshit to him. But, at the same time, the news article of a miracle in the making came out quite a while ago with a similar story. That was your mom? Wow, she even looked like a bitch. He flipped the page.

It was Christmas Day. I was still eight. Mommy tried to come over, but Daddy locked her out. We locked all the doors and windows, making sure she couldn't get in. I'll admit, it was kind of fun barricading the house! But I was eight. I didn't understand. I wanted to understand.

Mommy banged on the front door, crying. It was painful. Me and daddy just resumed our Christmas traditions. Making cookies in the kitchen with Christmas music blaring through the big house. But the only difference was the curtains were closed so we can't watch the snow fall while cookies bake.

Then we hear a gunshot. Daddy tells me to stay in the kitchen as he goes to check it out. He opens the curtains and peeks around. He gasps. I disobey him and walk up next to him. I see Mommy on the ground in a puddle of blood and a gun in Her hand. 

I scream. I hear cracking and my soul shattered in half. I lost the other half somewhere.

The page ends there. G knew there were plenty of other pages, but he couldn't bring himself to turn it this time. Wow, this kid had it real bad. Worse than him or anyone he knew. That's why they got so upset. That's why their soul was like that.

He flipped back to the first page, looking at her address. He got it down in his memory. He shoved the diary in his leather jacket pocket. There was a pocket on the interior of the jacket. JUST PRETEND OKAY!!!

G bursted out of the bar, looking to find your house. Hopefully you'd still be there. He needed to give back your book and apologize for literally ripping out your soul to bring you abck to him when your clearly didn't want it.

Good thing he was sober.

So you got the backstory you wanted, N. Now if I know my readers a part three will be begged for. *sigh* I better start writing....



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