The Stars in Your Eyes [NaJ_Fell!Goth x Reader]

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Both SIColorsOfTheRainbow and oh_my_jish_and_tyjo were being anxious over this one, so here we go!

You walk the dangerous hall. Your eye catches on a sigh posted on the wall. You try and get closer. The poster's closer now what does it say? It's a sign up sheet for the after school play... it's a sign up sheet for being called a puss-ay and that's not what you need now, end scene.

You walk away. At UnderHigh everyone looked ovput for number one, themselves. Reputation and toughness was everything. It was almost a fight school. That's why being called gay, a pussy, or a nerd is something you can never live down.

But you didn't just look out for yourself. Even though you were in a horrible place, you still managed to fall in love. Yes, cliche you know. But you can't help the way your heart beats faster around him.

You stop by the library, where he always is. Studying doesn't make you weak. Knowledge is also power, and people respected Thst at this school. The one stereotype everyone didn't attack. Nerds weren't the smart kids, nerds were the wimpy kids who watch anime and do musical theater. Well, technically they're geeks but whatever.

You walk in, seeing him at his table. Probably studying all about astronomy and all the other alternate universes. Astrophysicis included. He was always interested in space. What could be out there? Endless opritunities! Endless universes where maybe... everyone could be nicer. 

He said those words to you way back when. Before high school, but after elementary. Somehwre in middle school where you were so tiny, happy and shiny, playing tag and getting chased. Before everyone started attacking eachtoher's weaknessess, praying they don't see their's.

You sit down at the table across for minute him after grabbing your own book on the constellations, horoscopes, and zodiacs. You always found the way people could predict things just by looking at the stars, birthdays, and time of year was fascinating. You also managed to memorize every constellation. 

"Hey goth."

You say as casually as possible. He looked up with a scowl, burnit slightly softens seeing it was only you and not anyone else. He places his book down on the desk and you do as well. You weren't really here to read.

"What do you want?"

He said that half way hostilely, which was different from everyone else. He was totally hostile to everyone, just like everybody else in this damn school. You clearly were excited because he couldn't help but crack a smile.

"I want to show you something. Trust me, you'll love it!"

Goth wasn't sure what was up with this kid. They wouldn't leave him alone when they saw him and they were.... nice. They were nice to him unlike anybody else. People and Monsters try to use him or hurt him. But not you. He couldn't not trust you.

"Sure, why not."

Goth stood up immediately, causing you to spring up and grab his wrist. Goth didn't even have the time to push in his chair when you stared dragging him around. Not many people were around, considering it was after school. But people lingered. And saw. Goth tried to hide his face, but he could tell you didn't even care.

Out the doors, to you car, off you ride! You know Goth always hitches a ride with either you, Palette, or his parents to get to and from school so this was no problem. You threw him into the jeeo and started the charm, quickly peeling out the driveway and where you wanted.

Goth held onto the chair. You were going a little too fast for comfort. Then you suddenly jerked the Jeep off of a minor road into open wilderness. Goth gasped, hanging on tighter.  What the actual hell were you doing!?

The Jeep pulled to a stop on a hill in a clearing with a singular, large oak tree, the sun was setting and Night was falling. Soon the stars would be shining. You stop the jeeo and retract your keys, looking over at Goth. Heh heh, oops. Maybe you were too eager.

"What the hell (nickname)!?"

You sigh, looking down. You felt sorry for waht you did, even though it wasn't that bad. I mean, you didn't get a driving ticket so score! You just wanted to get Goth here before the stars start showing so you can watch them appear ina black sky together.

"I know you like stars, so I wanted to take you to the best stargazing spot in all of Fell County. I'm sorry."

Goth was astounded. You wanted to stargaze with him?! Wait, no. The emphasis was misplaced in that sentance. You wanted to stargaze with him!? That's better. Yet, it still didn't fully  astute his surprise.

"You actually care about that?"

You look up, meeting his pupils floating around in his eyesockets. His awestrucken face was honestly... kind of adorable. You wouldn't mind taking a pictues of it and making it your screensaver.

"Well, yeah. You're the only person who talks to me..."

You smile at him, then Avert your eyes by looking down. Goth watches this. He doesn't know what to do. Someone who was so kind to him when nobody else in the whole county would be... what should he do? So... he places his hand on your shoulder.

"You're worth it. Thanks for bringing me here. Now, why don't we sit and enjoy the sunset while we wait for the stars?"

This was how you be kind, right? Goth was having a hard time. He watched you look back up into his eyesockets with the same awestrucken and determined face. He couldn't help but chuckle. You practically had your own stars in your eyes.

Was this good enough? Probably not. I'm sorry.


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