Limbo [AfterTale!Sans x Reader]

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After that last fluff oneshot nothing can go wrong!

You walked around the area. It was dark, cold, and Empty. How did you get here? You don't know. You died one too many times and the reset screen just dissapeared entirely. Apparently you just can't get past Undyne. 

She can take your soul, they still needed several more anyways. Being the bearer of the green soul and all, you just needed to dissapeared for the sake of all monsters. It's better your eyes dead, right?

So now you were stuck in an empty void of a demension. Suddenly, you felt a cold and bony hand on your shoulders. It was so very familiar. You didn't need to turn around and you placed your hand over the bines, sighing in relief. Out of instinct, the name rolled off your tongue.


Geno was surprised as ever to see a human in here, much less one of the precious souls from his time. When they said the name he had before he became stuck in the void, it startled him so bad his hand slipped out from underneath their's. The human turned around and their eyes filled with shock.

Of course, anybody would be surprised to see a skeleton wearing a red scarf Andy having an eternal bleeding wound struck across his chest. And let's not forget the fact that half of his face was covered up to hide the fact his skull was melted by injected determination. Geno chuckled nervously.

"Heh heh.... heya kiddo."

He waved nervously at you. This was not the sans you knew. The sans you knew would try to make a joke right off the bat. This skeleton was hurt. He looked like he was eternally dying. You held in your gasp and reached out to his skull, waving away the white condensed glitch marks covering it.

He recoiled backwards on the the floor of the void. You did gasp. His skull was half melted. He looked like he was in pain. Forever in pain. You frowned and offered him a hand to help him stand back up.

Geno didn't understand. You weren't scared, trying to get away, screaming... nothing. In fact, you were trying to help him. He took your hand and let you hoist him up. He was taller than you. He summoned the condensed glitch marks back.

"Sorry about that. I'm geno."

You smiled at him.

"I'm (Your name)."

And this would be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Short, I know. But I HAD to do one for him! I just had to!


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