That Line [Lust!Sans x Reader]

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Probably OOC because this isn't  lemon. Lol. Female reader.

There was a very thick line between love and lust. Lust means that you only want to have sex with that person and only feel sexual attraction towards them. Love means you genuinely love the person and are attracted to them as a person, personality and all.

Yet, there was a very thin line between Lust and love for Sans. In a world where everyone has sex with everyone for the sake of their King and Queen, the two have merged together in his skull. Lust and Love have one meaning for Sans.

Every Day, Sans tells some random girl "I love you" before banging her. Sometimes it's more one he's banged before, sometimes it is someone knew. It was just part of sex, right? Tell your partner you love them tomget them in the mood?

So when Sans saw this one girl at Grillby's, watching him rock the pole like normal, why did he feel this tingling sensation deep within his ribcage? Was this Love? Or Lust? That line that divides the two is practically nonexistent, so Sans can't tell wanted he felt for this girl he only saw once but was captivated by in a second. 

When his performance was done he collected the money thrown at him. Being a stripper did pay a lot of the bills. It was one of the good parts of this universe: people pay handsomely for sexual things.

He followed the girl to the pub where she ordered a peculiar order for Grillby. Not any sort of acohol, but a tall class of sparkling cider. She got her bottle and took a tiny sip before turning around to look at sans, who has just been watching her.

"Hey, you're that pole dancer! You're really talented, ya know?"

The girl flashed him a smile. Sans felt his face heating up and his SOUL swelling. What was this? Love? Or Lust? DOes he want to fuck this girl senseless like he always does or is this something different? He didn't know.

"Oh, uh, thanks. No one really compliments me genuinely, ya know?"

He mimicked her tone of voice at the end, causing her to giggle. His soul did that thing again. What was that? What was that? Lust? Love? Lust? Love? Sans was feeling things so new yet so familiar to him. What was this?

"Well people should. You're very talented. Stuff like that must take lots of practice and confidence."

That was the first time anyone said anything like that about something like pole dancing. Sans was flabbergasted! No, he was flabbergastered! Pun intended. He looked at this girl, searching her eyes for his own answers for his own questions. 

"Uh, Hey. You're staring at me. Is this your way of saying you want to fuck me? Because I can't really right now.... unless you want to get super bloody..."

She bashfully rubbed her arm, blushing a little bit. Wow. Just wow. This really was incredible. The first person he ever met who was compassionate and gave compliments to him. His soul was beaming and his blush was glowing brighter than ever. 

For the first time in his life, he can look at a girl and not want just a simple fuck out of her. Sans had urges to do so much more. So many little, tiny things that would accumulate into something greater. Like brush through her hair, say sweet things to her, just hold her from behind, lay next to Her and make wishes on the "stars", give her gifts, make her smile, tell her jokes, make her happy. He had urges to do what couples would do before the fail at making a Prince for the underground. Before the lust took over everything.

"Oh! Uh, no. I'm sorry, gal. I wasn't just thinking that. I was actually wondering if maybe later you'd like to go to the waterfall with me~ After I finish up here of course."

Sans had to act smooth to catch this girl. This was the first time he crossed thst thin line between lust and love, he didn't want to lose that. He gave a slip of paper to her, his phone number. He had received many contacts from random girls asking to fuck. Now, as soon as he could, he would delete every single one. None of them mattered anymore. The girl took the slip of paper happily.

"I'd love to. Oh! I almost forgot. My name is (Your name)."

Wow that was a dunce move. Both you and Sans forgot to tell eachtoher your names! Sans mentally face palmed. He took the slip of paper you were holding that had your phone number and he shoved it in his pocket before replying:  

"I'm Sans. Sans the skeleton."

First time doing this character. Was this good? I'm thinking this could be a book! XD


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