THAT'S Why My Legs Won't Work! [UnderSwap!Papyrus x Causal!Reader]

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I mixed two requests from SIColorsOfTheRainbow and RibbonGeno with one idea that I had. I hope you're right easy for a good time, because here we go.

Oh, good  morning world. Time to get up, huh? Okay. You sit up in the bed. You look around. Wait a second, his isn't the living room couch. You were living with the Skeleton Bros in Snowdin N's you alaywas slept on the couch, but you didn't recognize this room. Where were you?

Eh, answers could wait. Maybe if you went snooping around you could figure it out. Or just leave the room. Either work for you. You swing your legs to the side of the bed, about to get off of the bed. 

You place your feet on the floor and stand up. Whelp. That's not happening because you fumbled straight to the floor without even a chance of catching your balence. Your legs were literal jello right now. You looked at where you landed, on the floor in an army crawl position. It's better then being folded up like origami.


Blueberry bursted into the room. Well, that answers one thing. You were still in the brothers's house. By process of elimination, considering you know Blue has a race car bed, tou can safely assume this is papyrus's room.

"Oh? Yeah. I'm fine."

You tried to stand up again but the instant you got both feet on the ground you lost balance and fell backwards onto the floor. You give up and just lay there o not our back a second. Blueberry runs over to you worriedly. You flash him a cheesy grin.

"Just hanging out like that sock downstairs."

Blueberry groans.


With that, Blueberry left. Okay. Now you're gonna have to figure out how to get downstairs if using your legs isn't an option. Maybe you can just sit, chill, and skip breakfast. You can lay here until Paps gets back. Sounds chill. Maybe you can remember why you're here.

Let's backtrack it a little bit. So last night you were playing Monopoly with Blueberry and his friends from the void when Paps came home and he was super drunk on Spider Cider or Honey or something. Blueberry and his friends retreated to the void while you tried to get him sober again. Okay, that's a good start.

Papyrus is a mixture of the giddy drunk and the sexual predator drunk. A real fun combination to deal with. Let's see. You remember making him drink a lot of water. You forced him to chill on the couch and watch some NBT with you, and he laughed st every little thing which you remember was quite adorable. Good, good. Now we're getting somewhere.

You wanted to get papyrus to sleep now that he Appeared to be fine. So you told him to go to his room to sleep. He begged you to come "tuck him in" and he carried you upstairs bridal style to his room and then....

Oh! That's why your Legs weren't working! You had sex with papyrus! Duh! And this is his room? Huh. It's a lot cleaner than you'd expect it to be. It was just untidy, not an utter mess like Blueberry always complains.

You just started laughing, laying on your back next to the bed. You drape your arm over your eyes to sheik do yourself from the light in the bedroom. You just keep laughing like a lunatic. How the heck did you not get this until just now.

That's when the door opened again to reveal none other than the skeleton who fucked you so hard you can't walk last night. You bet yourself twenty gold that he doesn't even remember anything he did because he was drunk.

"Hey Paps."

Papyrus looked around but then found you on the floor next to his bed. His skull flushed orange on the cheekbones. You look down at yourself. What? You weren't naked! You were just wearing one of his tank tops and a pair of panties. Thsts not bad. Paps quickly got over himself.

"Heya kid, How's the Weather down there?"

You snirk. Of course he makes a joke about it. That's papyrus. It was funny nevertheless. You sit up to get as tall as you can right now.

"Partly couldn't woth a chance of rain. You might want to give your sock an umbrella."

Papyrus rolled his... uh... Eyesockets? YEah. Let's go with that. He rolled his eyesockets and he landed his hand to you. You shook your head and pushed it away, leaving papyrus more than confused. 

"I can't stand up. You succeeded."

You remember him telling you, and these are Papy's words not yours, "I'm gonnaa fuck you so hard you're gonna see stars and can't walk for another month~" you're not gonna lie, his dirty talk was impressive.

"Wait, what?"

Okay, that's twenty gold self! You were right. He didn't remember a thing. You started laughing a little only making him more confused. You sigh happily after that nice laugh and then you look up at him.

"Just carry me to the kitchen for tacos."

Papyrus sighed, taking his hands out of his pockets and carrying you bridal style. This time out of the room  and down the stairs. Heh. This would be some great black mail for Paps earlier on. You're not even mad he stole your virginity. 

It's Papyrus. Give him a break.

I'm ending it there. I wanted a post-sex chapter woth this guy because, come on, it's a great setup for some awesome comedy!


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