BluePrint? [UnderSwap!Sans x Wife!Reader]

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You were walking home with your brother in law, Papyrus. You liked to call him 'Honey' jokingly either to get in your husband's nerves or to tease him about eating too much of the gooey stuff. Either way, you had a good relationship.

You and Papyrus went for Nice Cream while Blueberry went to go hang out with his friends in the void. You and Honey know that Blue loves to hangnail out with Ink and Dream. It didn't faze you that he was literally friends with the creator of your universe. It's blueberry. He's friends with everyone.

You make it to the door, the popsicle stick still hanging out of your mouth, when Honey turned the doorknob. Honey freezes in the doorway. You raise an eyebrow and step next to him. You were frozen when you saw it too.

Blueberry was on the couch, cradling a baby skeleton. You knew skeletons couldn't get pregnant or get other pregnant so you just assumed that Ink made him a bundle of joy. Blueberry looked back over at you two with stars in his eyes.

"Welcome home!"

Blueberry was whisper shouting, being congnicent of the tiny baby bones in his arms. Honey was having a crisis while your first instinct was to run up there and see who on Earth this little baby was.

He was adorable. He wore a little scarf that looked like a blueprint. He looked a lot like Blue himself but he had some elements of Ink. It was odd in the least to see a hybrid of Ink and Blueberry, but the baby was still freaking adorable and you would protect it with your life.


You sat down next to him. Blueberry passed the infant over to you. You held the tiny baby in your arms. It was really really light. Back on the surface you had a baby brother and he never was as light as this. Well, he was just a skeleton.

"His name is Blueprint! He may have been an accident but I still wanted him! I know you wanted kids..."

You crane your neck over to Blueberry and give him a niceness little kiss on his cheekbone. He hasn't grown immune. He used to blush like crazy and run around like he was on a blind sugar high of embarrassment. It was cute, but got annoying. 

Honey, who was tired of watching, walked over to the couch. He stood behind it and leaned over to get a good look at the baby. Huh, he guessed he was gonna and uncle now. Cool. He was gonna be the cool uncle.

"Hey, Shorty."

You look back around at Papyrus. Yes, he called you shorty. You were taller than blueberry but he called you shorty because he'd play around thst you were his armrest. It was annoying, it your affectionate nickname.

"So am I gonna be a dad or an uncle?"

Papyrus was just playing, but you took it Seriosuly. You looked over to Blueberry, who was considering it too. Growing up with two dads would be great for blueprint, but at the same time could be confusing. Blueberry got an idea, so he whisper shouted it.

"You can be a duncle!"

Honey gasped, standing all the way up. He looked down at the kid being cradled in your arms, fast asleep. Papyrus was gonna be a duncle for this kid. A wide smirk spread over his jawline. He couldn't help it.

"Duncle Paps...."

Thst had a nice ring to it. You smiled over at Blueberry. Blueberry had wide star pupils. He was bouncing on the couch. He wasn't obviously excited. A new little baby to enter your lives. What could go wrong?

Short but beautiful. I'm sorry but I saw that video above and I had to make something about Blueprint!


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