Goodbye Mother, Good Bye Brother [Yandere!UnderSwap!Sans x Yandere!Reader]

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I was just thinking about what would happen if two yanderes were in love with eachtoher.... Just a simple thought.

You smiled maliciously as you hauled the big bag of dust back to your home in Snowdin. Living with Sans and Papyrus was the best thing to ever happen to you. And your precious little Sansy meant the entire world to you~

But... there was a teeny tiny it's bitst cutesy wootsy little problem. He was getting just a little bit close to the Queen after joining the royal guard. She was the Queen, sure, but no one gets in the way of you and your precious little Blueberry.

So that's where then dust came from. You even took her crown Andy clothes Andy piled them in the dust. Maybe after realizing she's gone he can be yours. Your precious guard. Protecting you and only you. That would be a fantasy come true.

You dumped the bag in the shed and went back inside to clean yourself up in the shower. Dust and blood all over you woudlnt be attractive to the innocent little cinnamon roll. You had to look your best for your precious. 


Sans had noticed you talking a lot to Papyrus recently. Always talking to him and asking him for things. He never could get close enough to hear exactly what you were asking for, but you asked for things a lot.

Well now, he simply couldn't have that. You were his darling human, no one else can have you. Even if his own brother was getting all too close to you, he couldn't allow it. He gave Papyrus a chance to leave before he had to force him to go, but he stayed put.

It was a shame. Sans actually showed mercy before going to genocide. Now his brother was reduced to nothing but a pile of dust and his clothes. He took his hoodie and wore it himself, covering the stained blood and dust on His own clothes. He left the shorts and converse in the bag with the dust. Maybe with Papyrus out of the way, you can finally realize he is the only person you need.

He went to the shed by the house to dump the bag until he needed it. He was careful to avoid you going inside the house, muttering to yourself that you needed a shower. He snuck around you to the shed. 

Without looking inside much, he threw the bag inside. He shit the door behind him. Smiling evilly, he went back to the house still wearing Paps's hoodie. He should wipe the dust off his face so you won't get too suspicious before he reveals that the monster you talked to the most was dead.


You walk out of the shower, wearing some of your precious Blueberry's clothing. You have your wet hair just there, not even bothering to dry it. You didn't expect your precious Blueberry to be home yet. You were surprised when you saw him on the couch, wearing Papyrus's hoodie.

"Oh sans~"

You coo out to him from upstairs. He looks up to you on the banister. He smiled wider and his pupils dialate from their normal circle and star combo to double hearts. That's been happening a lot recently. And you loved it.


Your heart fluttered in your chest. Was he going to pronounce his undying love for you? Did he see the dust before you could show him? Perfect. That saved you from comforting a crying Sans. You hated seeing him upset.

You rushed downstairs and jumped down next to him. He holds out his hand for you to take. He definitely realized you were the one. He had to have, or else. You took his Hand happily and he started walking.

You followed him to the front door. The front door? Why were you leaving? Didn't he already see the dust? Why would he need to see it again? Oh no... was he... upset with you? No! No he couldn't be! You coudlnt love with yourself like that! Plus, he wouldn't be smiling like he is!

The shed. He lead you there and opened the door. You turned on the lights, worried. He hated you now. You wouldn't be able to live with him hating you. You didn't want to resort to having to break his mind or resetting, but if you must....


Thats when you notice the second bag. It was a different color. It was... Orange. Not like the purple bag you had. Your precious clearly was also confused, question marks for pupils floating within his adorable little eyesockets. You decided to come clean. You walk over to your bag and open it before him, causing him to gasp.

"You were getting so close to her... I got jealous and mad... I didn't want you to get so close so I-"

Your blueberry rose his hand to get you to stop. He seemed... happy. Happy that you did this for him, just like you initially thought he would. Your grin returned when he opened his own bag of dust. How sweet! He did the same for you~ Papyrus too? Wow. He must really love you~


You just nod. You both dropped the dust simotaniously and rush to embrace eachtoher. Your precious little skeleton jumps into your arms and takes no hesitation in pressing his teeth agaisnt your lips. You kiss him back hungrily.

There is no doubt that the tongues came out.

How was this? My first double yandere. How was it? Should I do more?


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