Just Happiness [Trickster!UnderSwap!Sans x Reader]

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Just hApPiNEsS

You had grown used to seeing people with the trickster virus around, ecspecially in underswap. You had to be the only person in this AU who wasn't infected, and that made you even sadder. Which was good, because you didn't want to be infected.

Right now, you were hididng from a bunch of monsters who wanted to poke you and infect you. You were scared and crying. You missed your friends, how they always were. You miss them so much. These weren't your friends.

You hid very well and everyone just ran past you. You silently hugged yourself and began to cry. You cried for your lost friends and you cried for yourself. You were so alone. You were so scared. You were so sad. 

That's when you heard something. You lifted your head from your knees and gasped, more tears rolling now down your face. You're bestest friend was standing in front of you in his Subaru trickster glory.


Sugarberry was scouting this AUnone last time for anyone who hasn't been infected with his happiness. He would take all of someone's sadness and confine into to an itty bitty tiny bubble within them, making them happy sugar coated them. He was sure his home AU was clear, but scouts say otherwise. That's why he's here with you.

"(Your name)? I thought you'd want this more than anyone..."

You didn't care if he was tricksterfied. You needed a hug from blueberry. You needed one after all that you've been through. Watching your family and friends transform before your eyes and try to get you too like some sort of zombie apocolypse. You stood up and practically jumped into his arms, sobbing into his orange shirt.

Sugarberry was surprised by the action. Wow, he could feel the loneliness and melancholy just radiating off of you. It made himself falter even. How could you feel even more punget negative emotions than a skeleton made of negative emotions? Well, no matter. He turned him into Squeeze candy. Turning you will be easy compared to him.

"There there, (Your name), I'm here."

Reassuring someone means their negative emotions go down and it's easier to contain them inside their own body. Thst just made it worse, oh no. He would have to act fast before it just grew and your only composition is negativity. He started working while you cried into him.

You started feeling... happy? You pulled away from what used to be Blueberry to see a dark cloud in his hands, a rather large one, and himmtrying to encase it. You scream in fear, causing the cloud to grow a little bigger. Blue panics and starts working faster. You try to run away, but you can't go anywhere. He has the manifestation of your emotions.

"Shhh, don't worry (your name). The pain will be over soon. Then you will be happy. We can be happy."

You just slump to the ground and cry, hoping that by still being afraid and sad it would further delay your tricksterification. It did, and it annoyed Blue very very much. He managed to get the job done and he watched in pride as you stopped crying.

Candy and flowers started sprouting from your skin. Blue, pink, red, yellow, and purple roses all over you. Your clothes bright and you hand  sucker in your mouth. You stood up, a happy go lucky grin your face. Ah, that's better. You used to be a flower vendor, so this form made sense for your character.

"Heya Sugar! You look like a rose would brighten your day!"

Sugarberry smiled in content, taking a polite rose from you before you start walking around happily. Another success for him. She was hard to contain, but he knew he could get it done. Soon this world will be

Just happiness

Crap this was short. Also: I'm going to an athletics camp during the rest of the summer. Don't worry, I will update daily, but not nearly as much. Sorry.


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