Eyes on Me [DanceTale! Papyrus x Reader]

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Dancetale is a really cool AU. I actually feel like this can be an actual parody game with the fighting scenes just replaced with a rhythm game. Like a DDR versus or something. If I could create video games this would be my first project. Onto the story.

With a rose in between his teeth and a white shirt over his bones Palyrus beckoned you closer to him. He had the music from a large radio from behind, almost buried in the snow. But you had one problem in this world of movement:

You can't dance.

The one being who can't dance in this universe is best friends with two of the best dancers in the realm. Try to put that together. You were a total klutz with two left feet and two right Arms. You can't let the music control your body like these other monsters. You were awkward.

"Come on, (your name)! Will you at least try to dance with me?"

He held out his gloved honey hand towards you. He was pleading. You always found the will to refuse, but now you simply couldn't. It was the great tango master, papyrus. How can you say no to him?

You flash him a polite yet pitiful smile. Pity for you? Him or yourself? Probably the latter. He takes your hand within your own and abruptly spins you around so your back is pressed against him. It was a fast spin. Then you feel his skull on your shoulder. He bent down pretty far.

"Don't worry, just keep your eyes on me."

He spun you around again so thst your eyes met his eyesockets. His hands were within your own, nevermind scratch that, you hands were in his own. There we go. His gloves were warm and fuzzy, a comforting feeling on your hands.

Like thst, Palyrus began moving to the music. His specialty was Latin music anyhow. He danced beautifully. He moved you along with him. Paranoia went through you. You worried you were ruining his dance by getting it wrong. Your eyes latched onto your feet, but focus made you mess up worse. Papyrus noticed this. He took his hand and moved your chin up to look at him again. He gave you a large, toothy grin. Well, since all he has Is teeth.

"Eyes on me."

You nodded, keeping your gaze locked within his. He still had that gorgeous red rose in his jaw with no intention of letting it go. Soon enough, you began to relax and just follow papyrus. Let him take the lead and almost copy him. 

Papyrus glanced over to Sans, hiding in the tree and waiting for his Time to pounce. Papyrus gave him a littler nod and Sans swooped down, changing the radio to his own music. Just as he did so Papyrus spun you out of his grasp. 

You were laughing as you spun away. You hardly noticed the lack of Pap's presence. That's when you landed in the arms of Sans. He had his own way of grinning: a smirk. His hood was up, like always when he was about to get funky. But we ain't goin to the left and takin it back now y'all. He looked like he was gonna break it down.


Sans looked you in the eyes. You gulped. His kind of dancing was solo, on couldnt just follow the lead of someone. Papyrus watched with a content look on his skull, sitting on a log. He was mostly happy woth the way you were more comfortable around them. You never danced with him before, and it gave him a warm feeling in his soul.

"Just keep your eyes on me, then try to go when i stop. Dance battle, got it kid?"

Dance battle? Those were easier in a way. Because only one person goes at a time. But thst means the spotlight is on you! But that's also means you can observe how to do it first. But break dancing is really hard. 

Sans took your hesitation as a no. He really wanted to dance with you, but if you weren't comfortable with it he wouldn't force you to do jack. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and flipped his hood down. Paps got the message and turned of the radio. You felt guilty. You looked at sans, about to say something, but he stopped you.

"Don't sweat it, kid, break dancing is hard. You don't have a partner to huide ya and ya make it up on the spot. I get it."

Your thoughts exactly. You smiled as a thanks to sans for understanding. Then you felt a familiar warm feeling in your shoulder. You look up and meet the proud eyesockets of a very tall skeleton.

"And you were absolutely marvelous! And you said you couldn't dance!"

You blush and try to hide it. Paps can't see woth your head down like that but sans got the perfect view. He snickered.

"Don't get all flustered kid, he's tellin the truth."

Both skeletons smiled at you. You picked your head back up and looked at them with a smile. You had some confidence enter your soul. It swelled in pride. Maybe you could dance. You certainly felt better than before after that tango with Paps.

Yeah. Maybe you could dance! And maybe soon... you can try and break dance with sans! But for now, you'd stick with the Latin dancing skeleton.

Cool, huh?


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