Waterfall [UnderSwap!Sans x Reader]

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So my softball tournament is over and we got first place! YESSS! I had six RBI in one game! That means I hit six base runners on, despite the fact I got out. You probs don't care so why don't we go with mt absolute FAVORITE sans! Blueberry! (I have a yanberry book if you want to check it out... plz?)

You were being dragged by the wrist by the optimistic, energetic skeleton. He claimed he was going to bring you somehwere you would enjoy for this second date. After the first date was a success with your outstanding dating power he insisted on going on another. Not that you were complaining.

So here you were, running with the magnificent sans to somehwere. It seemed like you were eleving Snowdin and running towards the waterfall. He had no sign of stopping, even I forgot you were starting to get exaughsted. Stamina was never your strong suit.

"Sans... can we... slow down?"

You puffed out, struggling to keep up by the time faint tradesmen of puddles entering the waterfall began splashing at your feet. Sans stopped in his tracks and looked back at you. You took the chance to catch your breath, hands on your knees and face red with work. Yeah, stamina wasn't your thing.

Sans had a brilliant idea, like the senseational skeleton he is. If somebody says he is SanSational like papyrus jokes about he will go yandere batshit mode on you and slot your throat with a silver knife like yandere-chan. Sans placed his arm under the back of your knees and underneath your chest around your back.

You were startled by this until you were lifted up Into his Arms, bridal style. Or princess style. Wothwr way you felt so embarrassed and you flushed red for an entirely different way. You covered your face with your hands like the stereotypical anime girl.


The fact he had to yell this made it even worse. After saying that Sans began to run again. He went at the same fast paced not even looking like this took any effort at all. Well, he did train with Alphys very often. His strength must be phenomenal.

He froze and held you so you didn't fly out of his arms with the abrupt stop. He set you down gently and proudly stood at your side. Your eyes were wide and you're mouth was agape, taking in the scene. It was... stunning in the least!

The waterfall was changing colors of the rainbow. A word associated with each color. A word that he felt described you. The water went red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple. Determination, bravery, justice, kindness, patience, integrity, perseverance. Echo flowers bloomed everywhere and Lillie's ere flowing down the waterfall with the multicolored water. There was some sort of artificial breeze here And the fake stars were shinning brightly. 


You were absolutely speechless. This was fantastic! How did he get the water that way? How did he get the Lillies to come into this part of the waterfall? What were the echo flowers saying? Oh wait, your answer was about to come. In a large, loud chorus the echo flowers screamed:

"I love you (your name)!"

You were in even more awe. You looked over at Sans. He was beaming with a prominant blue blush on his cheekbones. He rubbed the back of his skull in nervousness, waiting for you to say something.


He was waiting, ready for rejection. He feared the worst. You hardly said anything. Was it too flashy? Too many echo flowers? It was hard to uproot and replant each of them without the flower dying. Or was it the water? Using magic to keep the water's colors constantly changing was hard enough, but was it too much? Or not enough colors? Oh you probably hate the yellow. It's always the Yellow! Tears began to swell in his eyesockets before you could say a word. His voice was Low, far too low for it to be normal for your sweet little blueberry.

"You hate it, don't you? You don't want to be my love, do you? I'm sorry..."

Sans was about to turn around and leave to cry in then arms of his brother. He loved you and wanted to date you so badly. But he couldn't force you to be his. That is just wrong. He had no faith that you'd want him.

That is, until you grabbed his wrist.

"Sans, I love you too."

You pulled him into a hug, holding him close. You felt your shirt dampening as the tears left his eyesockets. You could feel a warm, loving heat radiate off of his soul. You held him close, closer, closest. He needed this, just like he needed you.

There was no way you'd deprive him from what he needed.

Was that good enough to make up for yesterday? I sure hope so!


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