Artistic Love [Gradient x Artist!Reader]

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Thanks to RibbonGeno we bring you this oneshot! I'm not sire if he glitches or not so I didn't glitch his voice. Let's gooooooo!

You were with your boyfriend of seven months in the art room. You have an animated series on YouTube so you both were working on it. You both have very similar art styles so it worked out. You worked from the end to the beginging and he works from behinding to end until you meet up in the middle, merge the animations, and add the audio.

But you weren't working on the animated series. Nope! It was your break week so you guys can make any kind of animations and drawing you'd want! So, you both were trying to draw eachother in the artstyle challenge. That means drawing them as if they were in different universes. Like if they were in the adventure time universe, what they would look like. That's your example.

You and Gradient were working hard, music from soemthing you both love blaring in the art room. You had your tongue sticking out and you were focused. You both were working on the last art style. Huh? What style? Heh heh.

Dragon Ball style.

You hear him throw his quote unquote one down and spin in his chair. Damn! He was done! You finsihed up the last of the coloring and you pushed your chair back as hard as you could. You rammed into him with the back of your chair.

"Hey! What was that for!?

You giggle evilly. You look up at him, leaning over the back of your chair. He scoffs and he pressed his hand against your forehead, moved it up, and ruffled as much of your hair as he could. Affectionately, duh.

"You little goofball~"

You both do a spin thing where you spin your chairs around so you can scoot up too eachother's computer. What? You both didn't want to have to stand up only to sit down again! It was a hassle! Plus, you had Rollie chairs. Why not take advantage of them?

You looked st the thirty art styles. The first one was his original, cartoony  that you were in love with and even mimicked to your own. You couldn't help but giggle. He captured you spit on! And he even put you in a wacky pose!

Wait, all of these have you doing soemthing involving the the fandom they're form! All thirty art styles have you in an attire, in a pose, or with a prop from that fandom. DAMN IT GRADIENT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO AWEOSME AND CREATIVE!?

Gradient spun his chair around to look at you. He had a smirk. You clearly didn't realize you were saying everything out loud. That was soemthing he loved about you. When you knew it or not, you'd mumble commentary about everything. He could listen to you like an audio book. And he loved it. He turned back around after your little yelling outburst to admire your drawings of him.

For adventure time he drew you with Fiona's crystal sword from the Adventures of Friends and cake. For Tim Burton he drew you wearing Jack Skellington's tuxedo. For Disney he drew you as Princess Tiana from the Princess and the Frog. For Shoolgirl anime he drew you in a schoolgirl uniform with a flushed face, small words reading it's  not like I like you or anything! Next to it. For Magical Girl anime he chose Madoka Magica and he drew you as Miami,the little bastard.

You could go on and on right now about what he did, but then this oneshot would be way too long and Eva Elaine would by tired of writing after a few hours. So we are just going to say Gradient had a bunch of creatives Liberty.

You spun around to see him smirking at you. His glasses pressed up against his face and his leg crossed over the other one. All he needed was a white lapcat and he would basically be a stereotypical villain for a spy movie. He was waiting for you to say the Magic words.

"Say it."


"Say it."


"Come on, you know I win~"

You hate his stupid awesome as hell art skills. His creativity is something that should be praised and complimented on at least daily. He was right, he won. With his little flair he added to every art style drawing of you, he won. But you had to much pride to say it.

"I know you did, but I won't admit it."

You smirk at him. He scoffs and rolls over directly in front of you. He pries you out of the chair, or st least tries to pull yourself out squeim, shriek, and start kicking. He manages to get you and he pulls you into his Lap. Uh oh.

"Say it or I tickle you."

"You wouldn't dare."

He lightly taps your arm as a response.

"Fine, you win."

"Wait, what was that? Let me get my phone."

"Gah! I hate you!"

"I know you love me~"

He pecks your cheek with his teeth. You can't help but sigh and lean into him. You did love him, very much. He was right a little bit about that tsundere picture. You had too much pride for your own good. But it was nice to have someone like him to love you.

I hoped you enjoyed this! I had fun writing this! 


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