Home Run [Nightmare!Sans x Reader]

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This was a very vivid daydream of mine while on a road trip. I hope you can also live this awesome experience. Some of these involove my personal hobbies so sorry if you don't like drawing, softball, etc. now that that's out of the way it's STORYTIME.

You were in the Dugout, in the hole. In the hole means you were third to bat. There were no outs because it was the top of the second inning and you were the Visiting Team. You were anxious. You weren't by far the best batter on your team. In fact, you're the youngest player.

A girl you knew as Taylor swung at a perfect pitch by the slow pitcher and cranked it to the outfield, just a hair higher and she'd be going yard. The score was five to zero and she was booking it around the bases. While she was running, Ali got herself ready st the plate and you stepped out of the batter's box on deck. Second to bat. Taylor made it all the way to third base with that hit.

Ali went for her third big hit of the day, hitting it just as far as Taylor did. Taylor rushed in and got her catcher's gear on for the next inning. Ali ran as fast as she could around the bases but alas, she wasn't as fast as Taylor and got stuck at second. It was your turn. Anxiety filled your stomach.

You could feel all eyes on you and you alone. Your coach telling you to swing if it's good, your mom watching from behind the plate as a spectator, and your dad watching from the dugout with the rest of your team. You were beyond nervous. Even with all those people you care about watching you, there was a more ominous gaze on your back. You didn't know what it was.

The first pitch flung by. Inside and low. The second pitch flew by. Hugh and outside. You felt safe, like you didn't have to swing anymore. Nope. The next pitch was a dead on strike. You cringed and stepped out of the box. Your coach still saying if it's good then go. Your parents and team all cheering for you. You can't make good hit screen like Ali, Taylor, and everyone else. 

THe next pitch. You saw it fly by the same place you were called out for. You took your chances. You swung the bat and BAM!!! The ball went flying.

Without any hesitation you sprinted towards first base, not caring if it went foul anymore. You weren't fast, do you needed the early lead. The ball was still soaring and soaring. Your first base coach told you to keep going. Ali made it in.

All eyes were on the ball. Even you as you ran, despite being told to do just the opposite. It looked like it was going to hit ground before the fence. Great. It wasn't good enough. You sighed and kept running. That's when the strangest thing happened. The ball litteralkt glitched up. It just went up out of nowhere and over the fence. Everyone was awestrucken. 

Dad from the dugout was yelling "THAT'S MY GIRL!!!" Your Mom was standing up and cheering as loud as she could. Th crowd went wild. You went wild. It went over the fence! It went over the fence!

After the game and after a lot of praise you didn't really want as much, it was time to go and get ready for the next game at One pm. A few hours from now. You looked around and you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned and saw nothing there. Odd.

Everyone was leaving to go get lunch in between the game. Your parents were already walking towards the car with everything they needed. You wore your softball bag on your shoulders.

You felt another hand on your other shoulder. You turned around again to see nothing. This was getting really strange. An anxious feeling was in the bottom of your stomach again. You felt a hand on your shoulder again. You inhaled deeply.

You turned around for the last time and met with one blazing blue eye and a very dark figure. He was black all over and had tentacles sprouting from his body. You sighed in relief. Just some scary looking person, not a rapist. The person(?) was obviously confused on why you were relieved. Ecscpecially when you opened your mouth to speak first.

"Hey, I'm (Your name). How're you?"

He was expecting fear, anxiety, anger, sorrow, desperation! He was expecting a negative emotion like normal. But this girl was just being straight up nice to him. Maybe she sensed him helping out with that hit of hers? Who knew.


He mustered up the most menacing voice he could. The girl just giggled. Giggled?! Other demension shear his name and tremble! This world wasn't like the others. It was filled with lots of sorrow for him to feed off of and grow strong off of. It also depicted the normal undertale universe as a fictional game. Very odd. 

"Nightmare, Huh? Oh you're nightmare sans! How did I not know you? You're one of my favorites!"

He was taken aback. The human knew him?! He was just bored and decided to come to a source of anxiety he found. You. He had pity for you and decided to help you out a little bit. Now he can't even scare you?! What the actual hell! He watched as she pulls a sketchbook out of her bag. She shows a very cool and detailed drawing of him.

"See? You're one of my favorites to draw. I was even able to remix megalomania for your theme. I never thought I'd get so many views!"

The human was... happy. He never would have any huisness with a happy person unless he was fighting with Ink or his brother Dream. But this human had his interest, he dare say. His she knew of hummbut nir really Him... was amusing in a manner to say.

He actually looked close at the drawing, taking the sketchbook from her with his tentacles and then placing it in his hands. The girl's parents were coming back to come get her but Shen hardly noticed. You walked around and looked over Nightmare's shoulder at the art, constantly looking back at him to see his reaction. He could sense anxiety within you.

"This is... Pretty damn good. Better than I've seen Ink try..."

You heard him mutter. You gasped and a wide grin spread over your face. You stepped in front of him. His blue eye looking into yours. It wasn't as menacing as it was normally.


Nightmare nodded. Then all of the sudden flashed out of existance. You were co fused as hell. But then you turned around to see your parents stadpnding there with annoyed faces. Your sketchbook just laid there on the ground. 

"What happened to you wanting to eat somewhere?"

"Who were you talking to?"

Your parents ask you. You smile and pick up the sketchbook. It was still opened to your drawing. A tiny drop of good still there from his tentacles showed you it wasn't a dream. You smiled st them.

"Just myself."

Nightmare, being Invisable right now, watched you leave with your parents to Chic-Fil-A. He was debating on following you. You had to be the most interesting human yet. Besides, he felt different when around you. Where his souls should be, there was warmth. Nightmare never felt warmth. Only cold. Cold and negative emotions and scary. But...

What was happening?

Did you like that? I tried.


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