T.G.I.F [NaJ_Goth x Reader]

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Requested by oh_my_jish_and_tyjo. But I combined EEeRRrOr's request into it somewhat I should just stop talking and do whatever you guys want me to do. I'm just annoying you anyways... Sowwy. Reader is female. 

Your head pounded like you were in a major hangover after some very hardcore whiskey. You sit up in what you thought was your bed, but it wasn't your bed. You look around and see a skeleton guy with no clothes next to you. You luckily had your bra on.

You check your skin and see lots of hickies, scratches, and makeing all over you. Damn, what happened last night? Wait a second, what day was it? You could have sworn it was the Friday that everyone was gonna party hard for the first day of summer...

Oh shit. This was the aftermath of that party. 

You looked at the skeleton next to you, trying hard to think of which one he was. Let's see, you knew three whites skeletons. Not to be racist of course. Skeletoncist? Skelecist? Okay let's use the word skelecist. Back to your determining process. The three white skeletons you knew were Palette, Fresh, And Goth. This dude memes pretty tall while Palette and Fresh were pretty short and adorable.

Oh fuck. It's Goth. The hot librarian's assistant you can't  help but stare at when you're supposed to be studying. The one you joke around with sometimes that you ship him with a toaster. The one from your sexual fantasies....

Oh crap he woke up. He sat up next to you, trying to regain his thoughts. He probably didn't know what the fuck happened last night either, huh? He looked around u til he saw you, he jumped a little. Okay that was cute.

"Wh-what happened?"

Goth was extremely confused. His skull was aching, pounding even. It was like he had the turgor pressure of an over-watered petunia just thrashing inside of his head. It was painful. What did he drink last night?

"We probably did it or got close to it, considering these hickies you left me."

Goth was startled and looked at her. She had brusies and bite marks all over her. Goth groaned, slapping his forehead in his stupidity. He had a boyfriend! What the hell was he thinking!? He fucked a human girl when he was dating Palette! Not officially, nobody knew yet, but still!

"Oh my god... Can we keep this secret? Please? Palette would kill me!"

He was begging you. Palette was his best friend. They've been a lot closer lately as you've noticed. That's when it clicked. Oh my god they were dating. You instantly regretted your attraction towards him. You see your shirt and his hoodie and scarf on the floor. You look back to him.

"Yeah, sure."

You reached down and grabbed the articles of clothing. You could safely assume your pants were still on. You slipped the shirt on. It covered the majority of the marks he left on you. Wow, Palette would have to start wearing long sleeves if he does this to his lover. 

Goth slipped on his hoodie and wrapped his scarf he got from one of his Dads around his neck. He sighed and stood up, noticing he still had his lower articles of clothing. He looks back and sees the girl still having her shorts on. He sighed in relief. They didn't go too far.

"Hey, Goth?"

Goth looked back over to the girl. She was checking her phone that was on the bedside table. Goth walked over as Shen was scrolling through her photo gallery. He hissed when he saw some of the photos of him and Palette on there.

"Why do you have those?!"

You simply shrugged. Why did you have those? When did those happen? It was very new and odd. You could just blame it all on the acohol. Yeah, that would be the smartest and most cliché thing to do.

"I was drunk. I don't know. You were drunk too. Now we need to find your boyfriend before he finds us."

Goth nodded in agreement. If Palette found out about this... he was scared what would happen. Oh Palette...


Was this good? Yeah, no. I'm kidding myself. Sorry for my terrible and extremely short stories. I've been struggling to reach over five hundred words lately... unacceptable.


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