Yandere? Okay! Part Two [JaN_Yandere!Goth x Reader]

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oh_my_jish_and_tyjo Wanted a part two to this one so here it is! I moved it waaaaaaaaay back to be in chronological order! What can I say except you're welcome? STORYTIME YE

Since that day your brother totally blew you off in the library you met this really cute, tall, dorky skeleton with giant glasses and a very kawaii attitude. You started dating because he asked you out while tutoring you. He was very smart.

But recently, someone was calling you some sort of skeleton furry or waht it because you were human and dating a skeleton. Wait a second, back it up. At a school where monsters and humans coexist someone makes fun of you if you date someone of another race? That's just wrong.

You've ignored it, but you told your boyfriend how disappointed you were In some people. He agreed with you and you both watched some anime on the library computer sharing earbuds during your lunch break for today.

Right now you were walking to your locker after a long, tedious day of high school. The kid that normally bullies you is nowhere in sight, unlike normal. It was a welcome change. You were able to get the stuff you needed easily. More luck dump everything in your locker and deal with it in the morning.

You walked outside, looking for your fanboy bonefriend. Where was Gothy? You walked around the school just to search for him, knowing how much he loves to wander around and scout for new OTPs to ship. You don't judge.

"Get... in... the... TRUNK!!!"

That's sounded like his cutesy voice. You ran around and saw Goth, covered in blood, dying to shove a blood person inside a Cello case. Wait a second, was thst your bully!? Wait another second. ARE THEY DEAD!? Wait another another second! Did Goth kill them!? WAIT ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER SECOND, why did this remind you so much of yandere simulator.

"Oh! Senpai! Uh, I guess I disobeyed the one rule of yandere, huh?"

He giggled his cute, innocent tol laugh, looking guilty. He gave uo trying to shove the body in the  Cello case. Wait a second. Now the Senpai thing makes sense! Well, you knew, but you didn't think someone innocent and fanboyish like him would be yandere. You didn't think it was even possible to find one irl! You look at the body again, smirking.

"My Neighbor works at the dump and it's furnace day. I can burn the body."

You watch Goth literally light up and squeal like he does when the OTP kisses inside the anime. It only took, what, a million episodes to get to it but it was worth every moment of buildup! Depending on the anime of course.


Aww, you can't stay mad at him. The blood splotch on his cheek was kind of cute. It looked like paint. It would be easy to say it was just paint and say he was helping you with an art project really late considering you're in ceramics.

"Of course. But no more yandere, okay?"

Goth nodded happily.


"Good, now lets fit this bitch in here..."

Not what you expected, huh? He he! It was worth it! Sorry it's so short. I had little inspiration for this one.


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