SOULmates [Sans x Reader]

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Thanks to NdragonEyes for giving me soemthing to do with my spare time! I'm pretty excited to do this one! Ready? Let's go!

It had been years since Frisk let all the monsters return to the surface. Years since peace And gope smd tranquility regained their kind. Years since his string finally appeared.

What was a string, you may ask? Well clueless reader, your string is something attatched to your soul when you gotten within a certain reason angle to meet your soulmate. It was the same color of your soul and it connected you to the person you'd love for always. Alphys And Undyne shared their string, and it turn so good after you kiss your soulmate for the first time.

Papyrus told him what it was like, since he had his in the underground. Now that sans made it to the surface he had one. Honestly he didn't feel anything, just another thing to deal with. Eh.

Meanwhile you were bullied and hated everywhere. Except home, home was eh. You were ridiculed for not having the red string of fate on your finger. For humans, they had a red string tied on their dominant index finger to indicate their soulmate. But you, the poor soul you were, didn't have one. You were bullied for it.

But not anymore. The string wasn't red, but an icy blue. It was odd, but it meant that someone out there would love you. It made you happier than you've been in a long time. So happy that you ran away from your parents (who barely acknowledged your existance) to find whomever was at the end.

Sans was just chilling at McDonalds. It wasn't exactly Grillby's but it would be a suitable substitute. The chicken nuggets were good at least. He was kinda bonely. Heh heh... he cracks himself up.

You burst into the resteraunt. It was literally three mi utes until closing time. (The employees were already trying to leave but they couldn't because of Sans being there.) you tug on your string and hard to figure out who the hell you were supposed to be with. You ran from mother trucking Quebec to Santa Fe, you're determined as hell!

Sans fell out of the booth. His soul was tugged out of his rib cage by the string. He jumps up and meets your eyes with your eyesockets. The light blue string from his soul was entwined around your fingers. Your human fingers.

Huh, your soulmate was a Monster. Not just a monster, but a skeleton. Screw that as long as he'd actually care about you, you're be happy. 

"Woah. A human. Heya kid."

He somehow managed to smile with his jawline. You walked up to him. 

"I could say the same to you, Mister Short Stout And Skeletal."

He chuckled. He stuck out his hand. You saw the whoopsies cushion on it and rolled your eyes. Looks like your soulmate would be a pretty punny guy.

"Not today, Bone Man."

He turns his hand around and chuckles again.

"You know, I think we'll get along."

You smiled at him.

"Me too."

This was bad, I know. Sowwy.


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