AfterMath [Sans x Mute!Reader]

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Request for SIColorsOfTheRainbow. Wow, I'm lazy again. This is going to be a poem. Sorry. Man, I am making all my requests into poems or songfics lately. Huh, probably because I have zero creativity. SCREW THAT ITS POE A TREE TIME!!!

You can't talk, but you can listen real well.

You listen to Papyrus when he Complains. 

He complains about not having enough recongnition. He complains that he isn't in the royal guards. He complains about Sans being lazy. He complains about socks being left on the floor.

You listen to Sans

You listen to him crack puns. You listen to him tell bad jokes. You listen though his problems and his pain. You listen to him whenever he is feeling happy or sad. 

You can't talk, but you can listen real well.


You can't talk, But you can listen real good.

But sometimes, listening isn't enough.

The human just killed papyrus. Sans is devastated. Just listening to him won't calm him down. If only you could talk to him, reach out to him.

You tried to comfort him without your voice. You tried hugs, back pats, skull rubs. Anything affectionate to make him feel a little better.

It didn't work.

He didn't need someone to listen.

He needed someone to talk.

You can't talk, but you can listen real good.


You can't talk, but you can fight real well.

The human was about to reach the judgment hall, where Sans was waiting for them

The human had collected lots of EXP

The human collected lots of LOVE

You didn't think that the human simply needed to talk things out. You didn't think the human needed someone to listen. They were out to FIGHT. They were out to KILL

So you readied yourself. 

You can't Talk, but you can fight real well


You can't talk, so you can't cry for help.

The human won, reducing you to mere dust and making them even stronger to fight sans. 

You wanted to call out to him.

You wanted to warn him

But you couldnt.

Because you couldn't talk.

You see Papyrus on the other side with some friends of his. So papyrus made friends after all? Thst was good. One less thing for him to complain about.

Sans... Good Luck.

You can't Talk, so you can't cry for help.


You can talk in heaven

A voice was new for you, a tongue was new for you. 

You talked and talked with Papyrus, finally saying what you always wanted to say.

You complained to Undyne about never letting Papyrus into the guard.

You complimented Alphys because she looked like she needed it.

You conversed with Toriel because she seemed civilized and nice.

You Didn't talk to Mettaton though... He was a little odd to you.

But you could talk to everyone

The one person you wanted to talk to most just arrived.

You could talk in heaven.


"Heh, heya bro."


"They had a bone to pick with me Alright."


Papyrus storms off, so you take his place. You stand in front of sans. He gives you the same skeleton grin you loved.

"Heya Kid. I guess I'm dead for real. Not just a pile of bones lazing about. Heh."

You can't help but Stare at the gash in him. Sire, everyone still has scars where their injuries were. Toriel has a scratch over her chest. Papyrus had a scar on his neck. Alphys had markings from where a noose would be. Exetera.

"Oh, this old thing? Only hurt a second. This old bag of bones is fine."

You take his hand. His whole hand. You entwine it with yours.

"I'm glad you're okay."

You watched sans flinch. You giggled. You liked your voice when you giggle

"Woah, you can talk now?"

"Yep. Now, I can finally say what I always wanted to..."

You lean in and touch foreheads. Both hands entwined. His skull was overtaken in a bright blue blush.

You smirk devilishly.

"Pick up your damn sock."


The ending was worth it! XD


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