Not Aliza [Horror!Sans x Reader]

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I'm hooked on this AU. Ask Rainbow.

 You barely escaped the goat woman with the help of the eye flower named flowey. You collapse on the snow on the ground, desperately trying to catch your breath. You hardly noticed the psycoapthic skeleton standing in front of you.

"(Your name)... (YOUR NAME) GET UP!!!"

Flowey screeched at you, yet you couldn't move your legs. You lift your weak head up, still fatigued by the syringe given to you forcefully by that insane goat woman. Your eyes widen and you gasp when you see a very broken skeleton holding in axe, easy to swing down at any moment.

You brace yourself, cringing. You awaited the contact of the blade where you would be cut in to pieces and be eaten. You hugged your knees as a singular tear ran down your face. Flowey was frozen. Looks like he couldn't save this one either. He hung his head in defeat, petals curling a little.

Sans stared at the little girl. A decade. A decade they have been trapped down here in an eternal famine. He thought that Aliza could change it all, but no. His psychosis was acting up. The girl trembling before him no longer looked like you. It looked like the cooked alive, lavender dressed, dark brunette girl he had met a long time ago. His hand shook and tears formed in his eyesockets.

He can't hurt Aliza.

You looked up, seeing him just stand there with tears in his eyesockets. You glance over st Flowey, he was just as confused as you. You composed yourself, slowly, standing up before him. You could see his hands shaking. 

Your Father always said treat others with kindness, and that kindness would be returned. You, as steadily as you could, reached out for his extended arm with the axe and placed it slowly back at his side, sliding the axe out of his hand and placing it gently in the snow. You looked st his eyesockets, bloody and wet with tears. You shakily wiped his tears away, still absolutely petrified of him.

Flowey watched in astoundment. Sans wasn't trying to kill you?! In fact, he was standing there. He just stood there and let you do this. Was something wrong with him!? Was soemthing happening in his mind Flowey couldn't comprehend?!

Sans watched Aliza do all these things. But the flash soon wore off and it went back to being you, an unknown human child, standing in front of him with that small and fearful smile. Wait, where was his axe!? Why did his cheekbones feel damp!? He looked at the human.

"Are you o-okay? You look awfully h-hurt."

You stuttered, still scared but somewhat more comfortable around the horrorfying skeleton. His singular pupil, large and red, shook in his eyesockets like someone who was darting their eye around in fear, unable to look just one way. It was as if he was the one scared of you.

"You're... not Aliza."

You blinked. Aliza? She was the girl who mysteriously disappeared from town one day, as you remember. When mist have ended up here, in this world, underground. You glance back over at Flwoey who dropped down again. A revelation hit you. Aliza must have failed here. She must have died. She might have been eaten, she might have died somewhere else. But something thst was certain is that this skeleton knew her. And missed her.

"N-no. I'm not. B-but I knew her!"

Maybe thst would make him halfway trust you and not want you dead. It was a hope for you. He just stared at you some more. Flowey perked up a bit. This was the first time one of the humans knew of one of the others. He looked st Sans, scared of what his reaction would be.

Sans stared at the human in front of him. Not Aliza. Someone new. Someone new for puzzles and testing and for the horrific adventures of this apocalyptic underground. He had to remember who he was doing this for. A maniacal grin overtook his jaw.

"What's your name, kid?"

You took a step back, seeing his creepy smile. He bent down a little and picked up the axe my holding it at standby in his grip. He was back to scary normal. Like that whole episode was just a breakdown and he was "fine" now.

"(Your name)?"

Sans grinned.

"Come on. We have puzzles to solve."

Creepy as the original AU should be, hopefully. This was crap I know. I'm still learning.


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