Fight For Me [Sans x Reader x UnderFell!Sans]

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Request number one for SIColorsOfTheRainbow. Are you ready kids? (Psst, say AYE AYE CAPTAIN!) ignore the music, that's for me. Unless you want to listen to that song then be my guest. Now, STORYTIME!!!

You were at the mall. Ever since monsters have rejoined humans on the surface things have been a lot more fun for you. Hey, you actually have friends!

But monsters aren't the only crazy thing in your life. Apparently there are also different alternate universes and alternate versions of a good pal of yours, Sans. You were actually going to a favorite store of yours because they are trying to fight over you without you knowing. You decided just to do a dare and see who you'd actually be able to stand. But maybe this was a bad idea....


So ou sat at the bar of the old style candy store, eating truffles. Both skeletons were fighting over who got to pay for your treat but they took too long so you decided to just pay. Sans was trying to stay chill but Edge was just getting angry at everything Sans tried to do to woo you. Oh, and you called UnderFell Sans Edge.

You called the waiter over, who happened to be Grillby who used to own Grillby in the underground, and asked him for a Death Valley Cola and a box of chocolate Pocky. This was just getting annoying.

"Oh, so you think you are being the better date, you smile trashbag? Well I'll pay for the whole thing and make her prefer me you smiley trashbag!"

Aaaaaand there he goes again. Sans just decided not to respond. You knew what was going through his cranium. Either a joke, a roast, or simply saying that they were literally the same person but from different universes. You were grateful he didn't egg him on even more.

Grillby passed you you're soda and box of Pocky. You were about to to hand him two fives but Sans grabbed your hand and paired for you.

"No sweat it, kid. I'm getting annoyed too. Putting me on edge."

You snickered and his grin just extended. Edge got ticked and he moved Sans away by force and sat next to you. He looked st you and smiled, well, smirked.

"Whatcha got there, sweetheart? Pocky?"

You looked at the Pocky and nodded. Sans was a little more annoyed now. You saw him reach for a Pocky and eat it whole. He licked above and below his teeth and looked seductively at you. Really which sans you chose depended on what kind of relationship you wanted. A calm, loving, slow relationship or a lusty, passionate, adventurous one.

You decided you had enough. You knew which Sanses you preferred Now.

If you choose Edge

You roll your eyes and smirk at Edge grabbing another Pocky. Sans watched this and sat down in the chair behind edge. Grillby was ready to get Sans a bottle of ketchup. How he had it? No one knows. Maybe he has a Sixth ensemble for Sans or something.

You placed the Pocky between your lips and used your eyes to beckon Edge. He seemed excited. He smirked victoriously back at Sams before grabbing onto the other end with his teeth. Both of you started biting towards the middle until your lips hit his teeth. You could feel both of your souls swelling up.

This had to be the right choice.

If you choose Sans

You look at Edge with some sense of disgust, getting up and walking towards sans. Sans was just getting up off the ground. You offer a hand and hoist him up. He grins at you.

"Thanks, kid."

You look back at Edge, who had your Pocky and soda. Why did you hang out with him in the first place? He's obviously a brute. Sure, you can blame it on the AU. But there's always a chance for a nice person in any mean place.

"Come on, Sans. I think that Wendy's at the food court has free condements."

You grabbed onto his mandables and entwined your fingers in his phalanges, not even looking back. You dragged Sans out of there, and he was happy to leave. 

If you refuse to choose.

You just look over the counter at grillby for advice. Nothin. You can't  help but sigh and take a large swing out of your cola. Maybe in the next hour or so you can choose. But for now, the choice is impossible. 

Oh well...

If ??? Happens

You stand up and see both skeletons look back at you confusedly. You just smile warmly at them.

"I'm sorry for cutting this short, but I have a date."

Sans and Edge are taken aback. Edge gets mad and Sans just looks hurts, as I feel chara sliced him with a knife for the millionth time.

"W-with who?"

Sans stutters out. You didn't like hurting them, but you're heart belonged to someone else. You turn to the entrance and see Mettaton there.

"Darling~ ready for clothes shopping?"

You smile and run to mettaton, kissing his metal cheek. Sans has his jaw on the floor while Edge is crushing his hands into fists to keep from needed an anger management session right now.

"Of course!"

You grab his robot arm and walk across the mall to Macy's.

Which ending did you choose? 


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