You Have to Share [AlterSwap!Asgore x Reader]

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You were lounging around on the couch with your best friend Asgore. You met at Muffet's one time and have been inseparable since. Toriel was off to go see King Sans again so that's left you two home alone.

Asgore was puffing air into a kazoo because he was bored. The television was broken but you both stared at it anyways. That's when some box on the table caught your eye. His infinite stash of Chocolate Pocky always intrigued you. You reached for the box.

"Oh, ya want one? Alright. But you have to share."

He winked at you. Wait, did he mean share the box or the stick? You would hope it was the first one. You pulled out a stick of Pocky and placed it in your mouth. Then you held the box towards him so he could reach in. Asgore chuckled.

"Not like that, Child. Like this."

You were about to question what he meant when he suddenly bit down on the other end of your Pocky. Eh, you weren't fazed. This was kinda normal for the laid back yet flirty goat boy. It was what made Gori, gori. Gori is his nickname if you didn't name know that, Reader.

You bit into it, getting closer to the middle. Oh yeah, you remember how to play this game. You meet eye to eye with Asgore, taking all the fun of making you flustered out of the game. But thst didn't mean you weren't blushing. Oh no. You still had a heat in your cheeks.

Asgore took his bite, not faltering or blushing a second. Hell, he still had that smirk! If your lips weren't holding onto the remarkably amazing treat they would form a cute little tsundere pout. Because anime tropes.

You took your next bite, leaving a very small ammount of Pocky for Asgore to take the last bite. Oh thank Sans that you didn't have to do the last bite! But now that you think about that analogy, thanking your future sister in law's boyfriend didn't make any sense. SCREW IT HE WAS THE KING SO HE WOULD FOREVE RBE BASICALLY GOD TO YOU.

Asgore took the last bite in a very chill manner. His lips meta yours. They had chocolate all over them. Okay how did you not notice the Pocky melting? Oh well. He tasted like chocolate and a chocolate first kiss is a bear first kiss.

Asgore placed his hand behind your neck in an attempt to pull you even closer to him. You gladly complied, wrapping your arms around his waist. You hugged him a little bite, but no gasp. This did not please you at all.

Asgore then tickled the back of your neck making you giggle within the kiss. You gasped, just what he wanted. He slipped his goat tongue in your mouth and started frenchifying the kiss. Don't judge me, I like that word.

Since I'm a lazy author and I'm no good at this kind of thing I'm just going to talk to you, the reader, while this is happening. Eva, master of breaking the fourth wall. This is what happens when I get no requests, I break the fourth wall and have a bit of fun. I'm also obsessed with this AU now and listen to the kazoos in the video above, beautiful. This is going on really long for a french kiss with A literal goat. Back to the story, shall we?

Asgore pulled back, his hand still lingering on the back of your neck. He looks into your eyes with his own, that same satisfied smirk on his lips. The chocolate is all gone. Probably because you licked it off. His hair was messed up from your hands going AWOL and his hoodie was all messed up. You were afraid you suffered the same steamy misfortune.

"Heh, isn't sharing caring?"

You rolled your eyes unto, the focused back on the box of Pocky. You glanced back at him and he was already licking his lips again. OKAY THERE WAS YOUR INVITATION!!! You grabbed another Pocky and placed it between your lips, inviting him with your eyes.

"And I'm guessing you care a lot. Here we go again~"



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