Drunkless Part Three [Gaster!Sans x Reader]

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Props to sanspapyrusfrisk1 for a speedy spam request. Alright. I guess I'm writing like I'm running out of time. WOO!!!

You locked the doors, barred the windows, and closed the curtains. You had cookie dough on the pan, waiting for the over to preheat while Christmas music blared through the big house. It always calmed you down when you felt.... anything really.

There was knocking at the door. You grew scared. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang. Please don't bang.


You gasped. The skeleton. Why was he here!? How didn't he know where you live!? Unless... you scouted your whole self for all your belongings. Phone? Check. Wallet? Check. ID? Check. Driver's License? Check. Diary? Diary... DIARY DIARY DIARY!!! THE SKELETON READ YOUR DIARY!!! You felt your soul tremble.

You scatter and turn off everything. The lights, the Christmas music, the fans. Everything in the room went off. You leaned your back against the door to keep the skeletons out of your home, despite the fact that the doors and windows were locked.


G was surprised. All sound on the other side of the door were comepltely gone. He couldn't jus leave this fractured, drunkless kid all on their own. He skimmed through to the last page of the diary. It was very young handwriting and it was titled a page called my favorites. On section was favorite joke. What was the reply? A knock knock joke makes me giggle every time! G looked at the door. He knocked on it softly.

"Knock knock."

Tears filled your eyes. He read that part, didn't he? The fifth story. He must have. If he says the same exact joke he did before... no... no... NO!!! You banged your fist against the door from your side, crying.


G wouldn't give up on ya, kid. Giving up was never the answer. But, you resisting was just a bit annoying. He spat out his cigar into the snow next to your house. Yeah, there's snow. What did you expect? Living in Arizona or Texas or something? This is an Undertale fanfic people!

"Knock knock."

G flipped to the sixth page, the fifth story. A knock knock joke was underlines on the page. He didn't read the story, but there were dried up marks where droplets of water fell onto the page. This joke must mean something. 

"Who's... Who's there..."

You've given up. You slide down the door and cry into your knees, meekly saying your reply to him. Your sobs could probably be heard through the door, knowing how thin this walls and other architecture was. He was always complaining about it when the house was full, wasn't he?


Called it.

"Boo who?"

G smirked.

"Why are you crying? There's so much to be happy about."

The exact same joke

He said

On his death bed in the hospital

You started crying more, not even bothering to give the nice skeleton who went through so much to try and make you happy again after just meeting him at the bar. Seriosuly who would do that!?

G made a mistake somewhere. Did he say it wrong? He looked back at the page in the book. What was this story even about anyways? He went to the top of page six in your diary and began reading. Soon he would realize he fucked up.

It was January First at Midnight and one minute. I was sixteen years old. I remember this exactly. It was the worst day of my life'.

Daddy had an accident with the fireworks he was giving To me on the first official day of my sixteenth year. He was going to do something big, something awesome, something for me. But things went wrong.

We sat in the hospital for hours. The doctors let me stay with him the entire time. I watched his surguries. I watched them mess up. I watched them try to fix him. But in the end, they only made his injury worse.

I remember his dying words on that hospital bed. I was crying so hard. He rose his hand to cup my cheek and he smiled warmly at me. I heard the clocks beep midnight. He looked so weak. And I knew it was my fault. 

Knock knock

He knew knock knock jokes were my favorite.

Who's there?


Boo who?

Why are you crying? There's so much to be happy about...

And with that, the light left his eyes and he went limp. I could feel my soul shatter even More within my body. I just lost the man I care about more than my own life. And I knew it was all my fault.

My fault

My fault

My fault

G slammed the book closed with his one hand. Wow, even he was crying. He wiped his eyesockets with the back of his bony hand. Yeah. He fucked up pretty god damn bad. He put his hand on the door, as if it was a window he could see you through.

"Listen, Dollface, i know it's tough. I shouldn't have gone readin. Here..."

He left the diary on the welcome mat stained with several tiny muddy footprints. G stood up with a grunt, knowing he couldn't do much to fix what he had inflicted upon this poor unfortunate soul.

"I'll leave ya be."

Sans fixed his jacket and clothes, picking up his cigar from the sown and relighting it. He placed it back between his teeth and started walking off. He couldn't do anything here. There was nothing he can do.

Nobody can fix a broken soul.

Wow, three parts all woth a thousand words. WE ARE BACK IN BUISNESS BABY!!!


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