Self Loathing [Nightmare!Sans x Reader]

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I learned his true backstory today.... and wow...

Trigger warning. It's obvious. The title?

You covered yourself up with black, long sleeves to hide your self harm marks from the rest of the world. You wireman your hood over your head to shadow what you considered a horrid and deformed face.

More negative, self harming, suicidal thoughts plagued your mind like normal. You hated yourself so much. You always felt like the world would be better if you were gone. Well, at least this world.

That's when you felt it. Goopy, slimy, cold tentacles slowly hovering around you the kinging at you, pulling you into the shadows. You didn't have time to scream, but you did have time to accept you were a goner. Nobody noticed you dissapearing on your walk to school, otherwise known as hell.

You work up in a pitch black case area, feeling restrictions on your limbs and feelings yoursekf in a sitting down position. You seemed to be in a chair. You didn't fight. You gave up trying to fight for yourself long, long ago. That's when a smooth, deep  evillicious voice rumbled in your ears.

"You know, The grate stuff negative emotion is hate. So when someobody hates themselves, it's delicious~"

Suddenly, something unraveled around your eyes. You can see your limbs covered in a black liquid scattered where your scars are. Fear panged in your chest as you looked up and met the singular blue eye of... of something that came straight from a creepypasta.

He (assuming he's male) looked like a pudgy skeleton but only black, covered in the cold slime head to toe. He had a jacket larger than his shirt and some basketball shorts all accompanied by some fizzle slippers. Oh, and the tentacles that abducted you themselves.

You see him licking his fingers with a tongue the same color as his eye. There was a dark blue substance on his fingers that just made you feel sad and pained inside. It was as if it was the physical manifestation of your suicidal thoughts and depressive actions.

"And the best part? You're too fragile to dare escape me~"

His voice growled out again, finishing up the blue on his fingers before approaching you again. With anxiety filling your mind, you watched his phlanges phase through you and grab something inside you. A heart thst was cracked and gray appeared with chips off of it. A blue aura surrounded it. A dark, dark blue.

The creepypasta protagonist smirked wider than he already had and grabbed this blue aura into his plan, only for the heart to generate more. He took your utter fear as confusion. You didn't care what that was just put it back inside you!

"Oh~ This is your soul. The blue stuff is your depression and hate for yourself. I eat your negative emotions. And my oh my is it the richest flavor I have ever tasted~"

You shivered as he swallowed the dark blue in his palm whole. He stared you down, clearly amused with how you were trmenling before him. He sighed after a single moment and you felt soemthing cold running down your back. You gasp.


He hits a large injury on your back. Your pain only amused him more. He covered the entire spot woth his black goo on his tentacle. He retracted it after a moment. Then, suddenly, the bindings of you to the chair completely let go.

You fell out of the chair and landed on the ground. The being was clearly not amused by this so he used his tentacles to pick you up and bring you to his face. He talked, and you stared in his eye.

"Now, you will go back to your universe and forget I ever existed. These scars should go away soon enough. Your depression should be better now."

His voice wasn't that deep, almost seductive voice. It was serious and stern, almost Asmara if the him buried deep under all that black slime was shining though like a star in the night. You nodded. You saw him smirk, his voice changing back.

"Thank you for the meal, Snookums~"

You cringed. How did he- okay backstory time. Your grandma, the only person who actually loved you before she passed away, would call you that. You almost had tears running down your face, yet you were smiling. He was obviously confused on why you were smiling.

"Hey, what's the idea?"

"Thank you, sir."

You heard him chuckle in his deep voice again. You kind of liked that deep voice. Whelp, that would haunt your thoughts for the next Melenia or so. No matter, you we're happy for the first time in years today. That's good. And all you had to do was get kidnapped.

"It's Nightmare, snookums."

You nodded. A flash of bright light appeared. A door opening to the same place you were brutally dragged away from by him stood before you. You looked down at your Arms. Few dewdrops of black healing slime remained, but no scars. You tired doing the thing where you pulled out the heart. It was red and had very few cracks in it now. You smiled and turned back to him.

"Thank you, Nightmare."

You swore you saw him have a genuine smile before you stepped back into real life, no time lapse needed. You were right where you left. Great

Like that? Creepy and scary in the beginifn but I always pull through! See? Right? Please just comment I'm bored, lonely, and an attention whore. 


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