Mornin [UnderSwap!Papyrus x Casual!Reader]

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You wake up drowsily. Geez, what happened last night god damn it! You can barely feel yourself, you're head pounding in on yourself as if you had the worst possible hangover in the history of worst possible hangovers. But of course, you were being melodramatic like always.

You can't move. You have something draped over you. You feel your arms wrapped around something with lots and lots of gaps and small parts. Did you make a giant lego man and cuddle it to bed again?

"Mornin Baby, sleep well?"

You look up and see the long face of your favorite skeleton. His jaw is stretched in a smirk. Huh, he looked weird without his classic orange hoodie and cigarette stuck between his teeth with its a puff of smoke. Wait, did he have pants on?

"In case you're wondering, we both have no clothes. And you have a few hickies you may want to cover up for a while."

You look down and feel yourself bare. You trace your hand over your neck and you can feel the bite marks. You get a twinge of pleasure at touching them. Wow, are you a slight masochist or something? You nod and sit up. Your hair fixes itself as you stretch up wide, not caring if he saw your torso. What? If you had sex already that means he explored your body. Why not just let him see what he already saw?

You relaxed your muscles and you skimmed over the floor to find your clothes. Lucky for you, Papyrus threw them all into a pile unlike last time where somehow a pair of underwear ended up on the banister and his brother walked in asking what they were the next morning and you both were about to have a round two.

Papyrus sat up, blankets still over his groinal region. He watched you and your lovely figure walk over to your clothes. You bent down to pick them up. Papyrus was just enjoying the beautiful view of your naked butt as you did so. You stood back up straight, turning your neck to look at the perverted skeleton.

"Do you mind, Weed Daddy?'

He blushed orange, making you smirk. You could use his Daddy kink to your advantage sometimes. You slipped everything thst needed to go on your torso on your torso, pulling up some underwear. Eh, screw shorts today. Sans was going to train with Alphys anyways. Who needs shorts?

You walk over to him with his underwear, shorts, and hoodie. They were in a pile right next to yours. This was lucky, papyrus never is neat with clothing. One time he ripped a ver expensive shirt of yours just to lay some more hickies on your neck. Okay okay, maybe you had a thing for hickies... but you were dating a perverted skeleton with a Daddy kink. There are worse things than just having a thing for hickies.

"Put em on, big boy."

Papyrus smirked and took the clothes. He stood up off the bed to reveal his whole skeletal structure. His ectoplasmic dick had been deactivated by some sort of magical means so he had no need to be censored at all. Unless you are sensitive to skeleton nudes. 

Papyrus slipped his underwear over his pelvis, his shorts over that. He slipped his orange hoodie over his ribcage, letting it just bag out over his spine making him look like he actually had some flesh underneath it. And boom, you both were good to go.

"You want Breakfast tacos or flapjacks?"

You asked him, hanging on the door. You creaked it back and forth, anxiosuly. Papyrus sighed. You could read his mind. You were just as anxious as his brother, Sans sometimes. He walked next to you, ruffling your hair.

"Flapjacks. I avoid tacos when Sans ain't here."

Just a nice papyrus x reader post-sex again. I think this is gonna be a thing for me XD


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