Popular Guardian [Naj_Jock!PJ x Nerd!Reader]

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Okay I guess he counts as a non-sans. Okay, this is not okay. Can someone tell my why the actual F*CK HE IS THIS HOT!? He's a skeleton! Jesus's Christ what is happening to me... oh! This request was by AmourAntoniette so go give her some Internet hugs and check out her profile. Are you ready? It's showtime!

You navigated the dangerous halls of UnderHigh. Lunch is th most lethal part of the day. Yesterday a kid named Fresh was pumbled and the day before that the librarian's Assistant was given bruises all over his bones.

You were human, unlike those skeletons. You were more fragile, meaning life as a high schooler was even scarier. You clutched your books to your chest, acting for spitballs and crumpled up pieces of paper to make their ways towards you.

"Hey Nerd!"

You looked up and saw Undyne with Catty. Undyne had a football and catty was giggling evilly. The rest of their group, including Bratty and Unfresh, we're circling around them. Odd, their boss: PJ wasn't there.

"Think fast!"

She chucked the football at you. It was going so fast and you were terrible at sports. Give you a complex math problem and you were all for it. Give you a ball or a bat and all you get in return is a few broken bones... on yourself...

You cringes behind your books to hopefully deflect at least some of the initial shock of the football. But the odd thing is that the impact never came. You looked up and saw the pained face of PJ!

PJ?! But he was literally the boss of the jocks! Captain of the football team!  He was the mos popular guy at school! Everyone, regardless of gender or sexuality, had a crush on him at one point. Including you. Your face flushed.

PJ flashed you a slight smile before getting his game face on. He turned and growled at his friends. His fists clenched st his sides as he stormed over there. You just froze. You couldn't move. 

"What the hell Undyne! Why did you throw that so hard at me?!"

Undyne looked nervous, which you've never seen before. Catty tried to scoot away and over to Bratty. Unfresh was glaring at you. On his shades was the word lucky and it flashed over to punk. You still didn't move. 

"B-but! I wasn't aiming a-at you!"

Pj slammed his And next to her head, pinning her against the wall. Not in a sexual way, everyone knows that Undyne is a lesbian, but in an intimidating way. It amd even you kinda go a little.... fangirlish. Ah~ what if he did that to you~? 

"I don't like excuses! Now, go get me lunch."

Undyne nodded and ran to the lunch line. Catty and bratty followed her. Unfresh hadn't his arms crossed and glaring at you. You snapped out of your daydream and got a little scared. Unfresh walked over to you. PJ noticed and started making his way to you.

"Listen you little punk, if PJ likes you then I won't be any trouble. But if you do something to hurt my friends you're gonna get it. Cool?"

His glasses read you better agree. He had his fist up. You squirmed a little. 


You tried to mimic his word choice. He just snickered under his breath. His glasses changed to say the word dork. Then he turned and walked away, giving PJ a high five as he left. PJ was obviously co used by this but didn't question it. PJ grabbed you by the collar.

"Listen up, Nerd. I only protected you because you looked too helpless. Don't get in those situations again or I'll be forced to intervene. Watch out for yourself, you hear?"

He had some blush scattered on his cheekbones. Your focus was on his hand on your collar, twisted to keep a grip on you. PJ followed your eyes to it and bksuhed harder, dropping you. Why he did so? Well, the way he gripped your shirt which had a somehwat low collar line on it revealed your cleavage (cleavage could mean guy or girl. The space in between your boobs or pecs. Whatever you have.) so... yeah.

"Just, scram, kid..."

PJ was trying not to let his fkusterdness show, ecspecially not in the cafeteria. You stared at him a moment before collecting your books and going to your little corner where you always waste with your only friends, Palette and Goth. Yes, you three were huge nerds. But sometimes it's fun being a nerd.

Like today.

Hee hee hee~

Was this what you wanted? It at least what you expected? I try...


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