How to Kill Her? [NaJ_ Yandere!Fresh x PJ x Yandere!Reader]

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The request was made by 6backstab but I kinda altered it. Sorry. 

You and Fresh were planning at your house exactly how you wanted to do this. Both of you shared waht Fresh called a Senpai. PJ. You just loved him so much seeing him with someone else hurt you inside. 

"So, if we can get her alone somehow we can kill her and PJ will be ours again."

You nod, looking at the papers. He literally drew out the plan on paper and had notes. You looked over it. The plan was you ask the girl to help you with your makeup in the bathroom, since she's a makeup enthusiast, and Fresh will be waiting in the stall. Once you both are alone he will ambush her from behind and kill her. But there was one flaw:

"But I can't distract her. She knows me and hates me. She was one of my bullies. She knows I don't wear makeup."

Fresh nodded, looking back at his plan. You both still needed to get her alone to make PJ yours and yours alone. You two didn't mind sharing with eachother, but when another person got into the mix you both went mad. You already killed thirteen students, why not a fourteenth? Nobody gets near your PJ.

"So what if we stalk her when she's going home and find out a way to get her alone at home. Less witnesses and it would be easier to get away and frame it on someone. School has a lot of possible witnesses."

Man, Fresh was really smart! You nodded and watched him flip his page in his notebook of death plans. With every murder, he would write down and draw out how to kill then before theundid it and he would hide the notebook just in case the police find them. He keeps it over here because you live alone and his parents could find it.

"But we don't want it to be bloody. Well, at least I don't. And if she screams she screams loud, so the neighbors could hear her. Maybe poison? I still have some from last time."

Last time, you both really wanted to make the girl suffer. Why? That girl stole PJ's virginity st a party. That was reserved for Fresh! Well, Fresh called it. Besides you aren't really the dominant type and Fresh does most of the work so you agreed he can have his virginity. But number thirteen ruined it! So you killed her with a poison coated knife and threw her in an acid bath. The crime made it to the news, but her annoying stepdad was framed for it. You were proud of that one.

"Right, great idea. Off we simply poison her at home we won't have much dust on our hands. It would be easy to get rid of her."

You nod and he closes the notebook, sitting it down and gathering the papers you both used. He makes a nice stack for you to review over and get in position for the plan. Fresh smiled at you and you raised your hand for a high five, he took it.

"Can't wait! See you after school tomorrow!"

With that, Fresh left you alone in your house again. You inahled sadly and smiled. Man, it did feel good to plan someone's murder with your best friend to protect your senpai, didn't you? This plan filled you with DETERMINATION

Heh heh, you can't wait.

Was this good enough? What am I saying? Of course not. Also my cat is hanging in my room and he looks pissed... Sorry for bad quality photo...

 Sorry for bad quality photo

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