Pastel Day [Papyrus x Reader]

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Because you'd never guess that a title like that would belong to our favorite tol cinnamon roll for a oneshots. I'm feeling fluffy and pastel today so I guess it's STORYTIME!

You walk out of the bathroom, all dressed up. You had this idea to go pastel for the day and walk around Snodwin all pastel, happy, shiny, and ready to cheer people up. The original idea was inspired by today being Easter back on the surface, where you came from.

"Ta da! How do I look, Papy?"

You were wearing a long sleeved, cotton candy pink shirt with a v-neck. You wore short baby blue jean shorts and long boots and stockings reaching up to your middle thigh. You wore a flower crown Kaden of yellow, light pink, and light blue roses. 


Papyrus was wearing the pastel version of his clothes too. His flower crown was weaved from daisies and roses of all colors. He wore a light green scarf instead, yellow battle body. Light blue gloves and boots, and for his Speedo he simply changed the color to light green to match his scarf. He held a basket similar to red rofing hood so you could give out little treats to everyone you meet. You baked them together to give to children and all your friends. And before you ask: No, they aren't spaghetti flavored. It's good to have some diversity in cooking, no?

"Aww, thanks Pap! Are you ready to walk around Snowdin?"

Papyrus held out the basket so you could take it. You inspected it for any missing cookies, cupcakes, or anything. You glare at Papyrus and see a hint of frosting where his upper lip would be. Papyruse noticed and used his ecto-tongue to lick it off. You can't help but smile and shake your head.


You nodded, closing the lid to the basket. Papyrus began walking and you followed him. You stepped outside, grateful thst it wasn't as cold as normal in snowdin. It felt really nice to be alive right now, and even nicer to be with Papyrus on Easter Day. But you explained today as Pastel Day. Oh well. New monster holiday!"



Papyrus barged into Grillby's. You giggled and hopped out from behind him to beside him. Everyone was staring at you. Sans chuckled as you held up the basket for one and all to see. Well, everyone in the resteraunt that is.

"We have snacks!"

That got everyone's rowdy, running up to get a treat. Of course, Papyrus mistook it for utter admiration and he looked back at you with a very happy look. He was so happy. You wouldn't ruin it for him. You did this for him after all. Mostly.

You handed out the treats and Papyrus was telling the fake story you told him about the tradition of Pastel Day. Really it was a modified story of Easter but with the Pastel Bunny spreading treats to all the good people who deserved a sweet treat on the day.

Sans snickered, looking at you sometimes during the story. Sometimes you would meet his eyesockets, others you would just focus on Papyrus. He was such a good storyteller. He even added some extra parts that made th story more epic and lovable to everyone!

"Papyrus, it's time to go. We ran out of treats!"


Papyrus waltzed out the door, happier than ever. You sighed happily, enjoying this whole little thing. Sans stopped you just before you could walk out with him so you could bake even more brownies and other sugary snacks.

"Listen, I know you made up Pastel Day, but thanks for making him happy."

You smile at Sans, not even saying a word. Other  onsters are around. If you were going to make Pastel Day a thing then you had to keep quiet. You simply winked at him and left Grillby's. Pastel Papyrus was waiting for you.



"And that, children, is why we Celebrate Pastel Day on Easter."

Your grandchildren were sitting, in awe at your story. They were all hybrids of many different species. Your children with Papyrus were human-skeleton hybrid. Then your children went and married all different kinds of monsters. You did have, what? Seven children yourself. 

"Woah, that's awesome!"

"Hey, (grammie/grampie), when are we gonna get our Pastel Day treats?"

You look at one grandson named Jimmy. Very original, you know. You giggle at him and look up. There was a space where you could see the kitchen from the living room, where you sat. Papyrus was just pulling out the brownies.

"As soon as you get on your Pastel clothing, children. Go!"

All the children stood up and rushed to the rooms where they were staying while visiting to get on the Pastel clothes their parents packed. The whole reason your family was even visiting was because of Pastel day. You wore your baby blue jean shorts and your light pink, long sleeved shirt with a v-neck. 

You don't just break tradition now do you?

Easter is officially Pastel Day everyone. Don't forget.


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