A Glitch in Sans's Clothing

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I had no requests and I was bored during seventh period so I Typed this up. When I get a drawing iPad I want to animate this! AAAAAAAA. And plz subscribe to the vocal cover's voice actor. He is REALLY GOOD.

The Star Sanses were huddled together as the background fades from a golden with white and yellow square blended into it to a pitch black, almost slimy in texture. The floor below them practically nonexistent. In the black fog are two eyes. One red where it's supposed to be white and a singular white pupil with a somewhat lavender tint to it. The other had red where the white's of the eyes were supposed to be as well. There was a yellow iris and a indigo pupil. Tears the same color of the second pupil streamed under the eyes and on top of the black landscape's horizon. A wicked, yellow smile then began to spread underneath the eyes.

Blueberry, otherwise known as UnderSwap Sans, was trembling. He held onto the cape of Dream. Dream held his magical staff in his hands protectively, as if he was going to use it as a spear instead of retracting it into the magic bow it really was. Ink held his paintbrush and glared around, knowing what was up. Nightmare and Error had to be up to no good. It was his fault they were in this horrific situation anyways. If he didn't have Dream follow the emotions of an obviously captured being, but who was captured was a mystery that had to be solved.

Black, slimy tentacles from the blindspot of all three skeletons began rising like cobras, ready to strike on their prey. In a very abrupt moment, the tentacles tackled themselves over Blueberry, covering his jawline and constricting his body together to also be take captive. In a singular, frightening moment, Blueberry screamed as he was dragged into the shadows. Dream and Ink whipped around to see Blueberry being dragged off into the distance, not to be seen again.

Dream gasped, covering his jaw with his bony hands and phalanges. Ink glared to the darkness, a goop trail from the tentacles left behind and sending dismay in the air. Ink looked over to Dream, who took his staff closer to him and he was crying his eye sockets out. He dropped to his knees, weakened byu raw emotion.

Meanwhile Blueberry was crying while blue strings went over the tentacles, only constricting huim further. The tentacles then retracted themselves. Two beuings were now in front of him. One skelton completely covered in a black, tar like substance. He had tentacles coming out of his back and a singular cyan eye. The other was a black skeleton with the face the same as the one that flashed on the wall before complete darkness. He had error messages all over his body and the blue strings that had him in basically a torture position coming out of his eye sockets where the tears were and wrapped around his phalanges.

Both of them Grinned evilly at Blueberry before the black one, Nightmare, faded into the shadows of the scene. The glitchy skeleton, Error, tugs on the strings making blueberry exclaim in pain at being squeezed so tightly.

Back with Ink and Dream, they are still aimlessly wandering the darkness. Dream still had tear stains on the front of his skull and Ink was trying to stay calm. His different colored pupils wild with concealed emotions. He had his paintbrush held in a way where he could wield it whenever he needed.

That's when a large concentration of black bones covered in tar spurted from the ground, separating Ink and Dream. The ground cracked in half, leaving them both to fly in other directions. Dream, before he could properly register what was happening, ws dragged off by the feet by the same black tentacles that Blueberry was dragged off with. Ink sat up and saw Dream's absence. His pupils shook violently with negative emotions. The background flashes the same wicked grin as it did before.

Dream snapped awake and looked over to see Blueberry tied up in blue strings. He looked down and saw him suffering the same fate. Then he was squeezed and he screamed in pain, along with his companion. Error grinned, before letting them go. Nightmare caught them both by the feet with hi tentacles and followed Error to wherever he was going.

Ink was now shaking in his sneakers, Holding his paintbrush tight to him in fear at what would happen next. That's when Error just glitched into existence before him. Nightmare hovered above him, holding the two captives. Ink gasped and held his paintbrush like a sword, ready to strike Error down. Error merely chuckled before snapping his phalanges, summoning morte strings. Like that, Ink's limbs were all wrapped in strings and all pulle dother directions, causing him to yell out in pain.

Error chuckled his disoriented chuckle before turning and smirking. He drops Ink, who is hopeless on the ground. Ink gasps in realization. Error walked over and grabbed his paintbrush. Error snapped it in half in front of Ink's eyesockets.

Everything goes black.

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