But I Want Her![Goth x Reader x Fell!Goth]

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A very very specific request from oh_my_jish_and_tyjo. Don't beleive me? Just look:

I don't think I can do this so imma change it up quite a bit

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I don't think I can do this so imma change it up quite a bit. Also the reader is female. I'm so sorry. This will be garbage. I apologize in advance. Also, I'm sorry this took so long. I just am uninspired right now...

You were walking home from a date with your amazing boyfriend, Goth. Henwas so sweet, innocent, and he loved reading. You actually went to the local bookstore, bought two copies of a book called EverLost, and went to chill at a Starbucks in the surface world of UnderTale.

Everything was fine and dandy until suddenly Portal Ex Machina appears. Goth, being able to travel through the AUs with his friend Palette and all,  Assumed it was just someone getting him to go back home. You, on the other hand, were freaked out by a giant portal coming out of nowhere. Sure, you knew about the portals, but you didn't expect a jumpsacare Jesus Christ!

A hand from thenportal reached out and grabbed at your wrist  pulling you inside the magic and away from your boyfriend. The hand matched that of a skeleton's as the phalanges gripped your wrist. You watched Goth scream in horror as you were dragged through the magic.

On the other side of the portal, an alternate version of Goth as watching you and the, as he called it, "Pussy Version of Himself", go out on a date, have a nice time, and genuinely care about eachtoher. Goth then thought about his own relationship with Palette. Broken, full of arguing, and distasteful. After seeing what the other version of him had, he didn't want to go back to that. He got greedy and wanted this girl all to himself, so he took her.

Goth pulled you through the portal so you'd fall into his ribcage. He watched as you quickly recover from the shock and thrash around. You do this until you look up and see the other goth's face smirking down at you. He had restricting hands pulling your arms upwards.

"G-Gothy? But I thought...."

You were so confused. This looked just like goth, but wearing black and much much meaner. His smirk wasn't the same kind and innocent Smile the goth you knew had, but you knew it was still Goth.

"Hey, Baby Girl. What's your name?"

You whimpered a little bit. He was awfully flirty for being the same little flustered Skellie you knew. You weren't used to this. You were used to fluffy, genuine compliments. Nor flirty gestures and seductive words to get you heated and in the mood.

"Uh, I-I'm (Your name)..."

You look back at the portal. On the other side you see goth just staring into it. You try to make eye contact but the other goth pulls your face to meet his, taking both of your hands and Lin ing them above you with a singular one of his own.

"Well then, (your name). I hope you're ready to be really happy, because I'm not letting you go~"

He was diving down for a kiss. You knew it. You were reluctant. The goth you loved was back through the portal! You just saw him! But that didn't change the fact he still looked and smelled (as weird as it may be) like Goth. It made you half relax but keep your guard up.

"(YOUR NAME)!!!"

Goth cries, running through the portal. He finally regained himself and his composure to come and save you from the evil hand that snatched you away from him. He freezes in place in what he sees.

Goth's own girl being forced to kiss another skeleton. Not only another skeleton, but one thst resembled him quite a bit. He knew who this was, regretfully. This was Fell!Goth. The UnderFell version of himself. If he had a stomach, his heart would sink into it. Well, if he also had a heart that is.

Fell goth looked up and growled to see the Pussy Goth standing there. Fell just flipped you around to have you on his ribcage again and he held you in a taunting yet restricting way so you couldn't escape. He glared in the eyes of Goth.

"She's mine now. Get lost you little Pussy. I need her way more than you do!"

You struggled a little bit against him. But then, you stopped. You thought about what InderFell was in comparison to the original universe, where you two were just visiting. Fell version's of anyone were nasty, mean, and horrible. Just like high schoolers. They would attack other's weaknesses and be hostile, preying to hide their own faults and desires. Fell Goth must be tired and want someone real to love. You made eye contact with your boyfriend.

Goth figured you had the same idea, becuase he saw your eyes gaze into jos pupils floating around in his eyesockets. Fell Goth was lonely. It was Goth's own loneliness amplified by a million. After this display, he couldn't just let this version of him be alone.

"She can be ours."

Fell Goth couldnt beleive the sound ringing through his skull. Did this pussy version of him literally just suggest they would share this amazing human girl he somehow managed to find, no questions asked? Fell Goth smirked.

"I like that."

You sighed in relief, hoping he would let go of you now. But clearly he had other plans.

"This means we can sleep with her now right?"

OMG WHAT WAS THAT!? LUSTFELL!? Wait a sec, is that a thing? Lol. I'm sorry about the bad-ness of this.


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