Popular Guardian Part Three [NaJ_ PJ x Nerd!Reader]

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I was anxious to write this, okay?! I like this mini series! I'm thinking of making a book based on this.... GAH BUT I HAVE perseverance! Idk man.. I have many ideas for books but I'm scared they'll just be abandoned like normal.... STORYTIME!

You didn't want this anymore. You were wearing one of UnFresh's Jackets right now because you started to get insecure about your freaking body. Yeah, right after you decide to wear this and seduce PJ in front of everybody.

You were worth UnFresh, walking towards the cafeteria. Lunchtime, he said, was the perfect time. Everybody pays attention so the word spreads instantly. This would ruin that little Principal's niece.

"UnFresh, What if-"

UnFresh groaned. His glasses read Seriosuly!? He stopped you and turned you around to face him. His hands were on your shoulders and he flicked his glasses up so you can sincerely talk to him again.

"You need to chill. I literally have half the school rooting for you and helping you. I swear to god PJ likes you and this will just tip him over the edge. I'd you back out now you will never live this down. Now, give me my jacket and let's roll."

You cringed a little bit. You Inhaled and exhaled. You looked down and took of fun his jacket, which was longer than everything you were wearing already. The fact you dealt with this through the first half of the school day was beyond you. You slipped the jacket off your arms and handed it back to him. You looked at UnFresh and his glasses read Hot Damn. You smiled politely at him.

"Thanks, but I'm not so sure..."

UnFresh's face flushed a deep blue. He forgot about his glasses for a moment. He couldn't help but drink in your beautiful figure. You had all this cleavage to show off with that crop top. He had some of the most popular girls pick this out for you. Push up bra to make your boobs look even bigger. Tight short shorts yo show off your beautiful curves. Catty and Bratty did your hair and makeup. You looked like a supermodel.

"Come on, we can't have you doing that! If PJ likes you, you have you be worth it."

You smiled at him again and hugged him. You finally arrived to the cafeteria. UnFresh looked over to a bunch of people. He was right when he had things planned. They had a bunch of speakers and they were clapping the beat to whatever you were doing.

After a while the cafeteria grew quiet, listening and curious to Whatever was going on. PJ was sitting at the center table, the popular table, with his friends and girlfriend. You were beginging to doubt and looked back at UnFresh, who gave you a big thumb's up. You breathed in and out again.

"Hush hush hush, blushblush blush, you are now my big fat crush!"

You bellowed in your voice, pointing to PJ. You saw him flinch and his girlfriend was already staring daggers at you. A lot of people were already smiling due to the fact that your voice sounded a lot like the original. Everyone who knew this song was singing it along mentally Andy a lot of people recorded this.

"I'm single as I can be, you ain't single yet perfect for me."

You stepped towards them a little bit, making sure your hips pooped and your legs crossed in front of the other. You brought your hands up through your hair to floor it and let it go down. PJ turned around to watch and his girlfiremd just held onto his arm protectively. 

"And I'm gonna give you a bunch of reasons why you should date me."

You were now in front of PJ and his girlfriend. You did exactly as you rehearsed in your mirror last night. Half lidded eyes? Check. Prominent lips? Check. Cleavage visable to him? Check. You think you got this!

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