Stupid Rain! [NaJ_Cil x Neko!Reader]

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Request again by 6backstab. Neko readers are hard but this AU makes it a little easier. Sorry for the abundance of NaJ non NaJ fans. I will try to get some other AU Sanses and some papyrus love out soon! This will be extremely short but super cute Yet bad, heads up.


You run and cover your head with your arms, your tail frizzing up as you run. Your ears and down trying to run wayang from the pesky rain! You didn't know it was going to rain! If you didn't you'd bring an umbrella!

You've already delayed a whole fifteen from going joke after school ended! Your Mama is going to be so mad! You just sprinted to get away from the rain. You saw a bus stop with some shaded area. You sprinted underneath it.

You were huffing, catching your breath. Ugh! You hate getting your hair wet! Wet, wet, wet! It felt so... so... yucky! A yucky, mildew feeling on your tail ears and hair! This was NOT what you signed up for!

You groan and look beside you. There was a skeleton who had hair somehow? Hey! He was unique like you! He looked at you. He had an umbrella at his side but he had it closed right, as if he preferred the water. How!? He has hair! He should understand your pain!

"Oh, a Neko? I don't see those around often. Hello!"

He flashed you a warm smile. He was kinda cute. A little blush purred up to your cheeks. You looked away like a tiny tsundere.

"Hello. Hey! Do you need that?"

You pointed down to the umbrella, focusing on it. Your tail, alright wet and frizzy from rain and humidity, was still flickering like normal when you were focused. The skeleton didn't need it, right? He looked like he enjoyed the rain!

"Oh, uh. My umbrella? Oh! You're part cat! You hate the rain, don't you? Here. Do you go to UnderHigh?"

His question after handing you the umbrella seemed completely unrelated to the conversation you forged with this skeleton. Cute, might you add yet again.

"Yeah. I do. I'm freshman."

He smiled a wide smile. Oh, was he also attending your school? Perfect! That means you don't have to feel guilty for taking his umbrella and not giving it back! Double score!

"Me too! I'll meet you at lunch, and you can give me that back. Okay?"

You nodded happily before opening the umbrella and skipping home. No more wet! Well, you still are wet but you won't get even more wet! Yay!

That cute skeleton was very nice to lend you his umbrella, even though you asked for it. You promised yourself you won't forget him and you would return his umbrella tomorrow!


I told you.


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