Jealous? [Mettaton x Monster!Reader]

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Wait, I've never made a oneshot for him before!? *gasp* Thank you SIColorsOfTheRainbow for opening my eyes! Of all the worst possible things this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!!! Okay, that's enough channeling my inner Mettaton. It's SHOWTIME!!!

You fumbled with the milkshake in your hands. You sighed longingly. Your boyfriend was a celebrity. He loved his job and you couldn't Ben selfish, but you just wanted a little bit of time set off for you. 

Normally, you weren't a an envious person. But since you made it back to the surface and all these humans are being clingy and flirty with him you were just a little ticked. What if he likes those beautiful human women over a plain old monster like you?

You sighed, taking a sip. Being Mettaton's bae and all you were allowed backstage for his performances to wait for when he gets done and watch behind the scenes. He in commercials, on talk shows, and did a lot of video game branding. Rhythm games ecspecially. Like a living vocaloid, or whatever the humans called him.

Right now, he was on one of those shows where fans could call in and ask him questions. You hated these specifically because girls would try to flirt with him over the phone. Now this part wasn't his fault, it was his nature. But it made you extremely jealous when he'd flirt back.

So you'd watch, holding a stuffed animal he got you back in the underground. It was of him, duh. In his rectangular body. You would squeeze it and wait for him. He was always so busy the doll was there to comfort you more than him.

It was... beyond frustrating for you. But you don't let it show. This is his dream, and you would do anything to keep his dreams in tact.

You watched the show from behind the scenes with the director and other crew people. Humans have gotten used to his monster partner being on the scene by now. But they wouldn't actually worry about you. Someone so quiet and insulated dating someone as flamboyant as Mettaton. 

But now Mettaton had a caller, and you were listening carefully. You squeezed the doll as you heard her voice. It was a stereotypical, blonde, popular girl voice. You hated it.

Hey mettaton~ Why don't we go on a date? I heard you were visiting Chicago soon~

Mettaton laughed, the show's host awaiting the answer. He crossed his leg over his other legs, looking the camera dead in the eye. No, the audiance dead in the eye through the camera. You looked down.

"Oh darling, I would love to date you!"

You felt pity looks all on you. You held back your sniffle. But Mettaton wasn't done speaking.

"But I'm taken darling. I'm sorry to break so many hearts, but one special person has my own."

Mettaton looked over at you. You looked at him with wide, teary eyes. You were hugging the doll tight. The director smiled and even the show host looked at you. Mettaton stood up and waved you over.

"Come on, darling, I think it's time the world met you~"

You stood up off of the stool the crew gave you. Cautiously, you walked over to mettaton, not even giving the camera a glance. You were sniffling and hugging the doll. Mettaton's facial expression shifted when he could see you.

"Oh, sweetie. Did I scare you? Oh, no. I'm sorry. Look at me darling."

He brought your face up so your eyes could meet his. He smiled comfortably at you. You hiccuped.

"I will never betray you, got it? Of all my fans, you're number one."

You giggled, hugging him tight. Television couples were always doomed to begin with, ecspecially when public. Mettaton hugged you tighter. The host 'aww'ed and calls began flooding in. You sat down, still hugging mettaton when he took the first call.

So is that who you're dating? They're so cute! What's their name?

Mettaton nudged you with encouragement.

"O-oh. I'm (Your name)..."

The callers were so nice and open of you. Some were monsters, some were humans, and some didn't specify their race. But you can say the humans were saltier than the monsters.

Did this warm your heart after all those depressing focs and make up for that terrible excuse for a terror sans oneshot? I hope it did


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