Ouchie! [UnderSwap!Sans x Reader]

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On the last one for him I got some positive feedback so I thought I'd do another cute one.

You wince and put your finger in your mouth, sucming on it to get rid of the pain. Papercuts were a bother. You had to deal with it being an actual human and not a skeleton like your bestie Blueberry.

When you cut yourself you were reading a bedtime story to Bleuberry since Papyrus was out "working" late. He heard you hiss and shot straight up. His starry eyes locking onto you sucking your index finger, which had the cut.


Crap. Paps is gonna kill you for not having him in bed on time. You took your finger out of your mouth and shook your head hastily, smiling at Blueberry. Your finger stung but you'd get over it.

Blueberry didn't believe you for a second. He took your hand into his bones forming his hand and he gasped seeing the tiny cut on your finger. You tried to pry your hand away but he wouldn't let you.


He tried to get up out of bed but you pushed him back down.

"No, Blue! What will Paps say when he finds out you were downstairs past bedtime?!"

He'll get mad. But he won't take it out on Blue. Oh no no no. He'll take it out on you saying you done goofed and making a horrible pun in the process. Blueberry seemed to understand and sighed. He wouldn't let go of your wrist though.


You shook your head and looked down at the book, ready to start reading again. Your finger still stung int he air but you tried not to let it affect you thst much.

That's when Sams had the most brilliant idea. He looked at your finger which he was still holding. You already began reading where you left off. He looked at you, then the finger, then back at you...

You felt soemthing slimy on your finger, yet the pain went away. You looked up and met with Blueberry's starry eyes. His face had tints of that very same blue blush. Inside his mouth was your finger. You blushed fifty shades of red. But you also had several questions. Like this one: HE HAS A TONGUE!?

"U-uh... B-Blue?"

He didn't let go of your hand, he didn't responds other than the stars in his eyesockets slowly changing to hearts. Now that was pretty frickin adorable. His blush intensified. And his gaze left yours. He didn't speak.


He still had no words. Oddly enough you didn't fight to pry away your hand this time. He took your finger out of his mouth for a second, to speak. He used a lower voice instead of normal.

"I wanted to make the ouchie go away..."

Oh my god he was so innocent he needed to be protected. You couldn't stop the smile form enveloping your lips. You moved from the chair oh were sitting in to the side of his blue race car bed. You took him into a hug.

"I'm fine. I just need a band aid."

He sniffed.


You nodded.


There was a long moment of him just hugging you back. It was soothing. You rubbed circles on his back like he was some sort of little kid. That's when he spoke up in that low voice again.

"Can you come back at feet you get a band aid? I, uh... lost my teddy bear! Yeah that's it! And I can't sleep without one so..."

You couldn't help but giggle.

"You want me to be your teddy bear?"

He nodded with a bright smile and an even brighter blush. You giggled and stood up. You stroked his hand before going downstairs to get yourself a band aid.

The minute you left, Bkeuberry threw his actual teddy bear to the other side of the room and started squealing really loud into his pillow. He was going to cuddle with you! He was going to cuddle with you! Best. Nigh. EVER!

Like the ending? I hope you do.


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