Creative Casual [Ink!Sans x Reader]

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Hmm. You had to really think on this one. 

You sat at your computer with your drawing iPads. You were a decently known animator that did animations/animatics for your many fandoms, including Undertale. But you had so many people asking you to do a two parter: remix a song and animate it.

You never done one of the pose projects together like that, so it will be exceedingly hard. What song could you remake into an Undertale parody? And with what characters? Hmmm... v0idless does some pretty good animations and she doesn't necessarily remaster the song...

Stupid artist's block! Or writer's block. STUPID CREATIVITY BLOCK!!! 

You groaned and played a bunch of random music you downloaded on shuffle out loud. It wasn't like your parents were home or anything. You just waited for one song to click so you can Be inspired.






You groaned and that's when the craziest thing happened. A rift in the space time continuum of magical AUs, or the void, appeared. You thought you were high on some kind of marijuana or some shit because Ink sans literally popped out of the rift and closed it with a swipe of his brush. You blinked.

Roses are red, and sometimes prickly. Boy I must say, that escalated QUICKLY!!! You pressed the pause button for the music and just stared at Ink. He was literally in your bedroom next to your computer table while you were in your silk pajama top with his face on it and sans pajama pants. Oh, did I forget to mention the little clay figurines younhad Of the Star senses? You were a little bit of a fangirl.

Ink turned around and his eye sockets met your eyes. Wow his pupils were actually the blue circle and yellow star, despite the many fanarts and fanfiction rpoclaiming otherwise. Ham you are rapid YouTube commenters! You got his eyes right! Suck it!

Ink just looked at you. And you looked at him. AND HE LOOKED AT YOU. AND YOU LOOKED AT HIM!!! All memes aside you just stared at him before awkwardly leaning back in your chair after putting your drawing iPad on the desk.

"Sooooooo.... Do you want anything to snack on while you stay in this universe or what?"

You had never seen Ink more confused in his entire life. It was ten o'clock in the freaking pm in the modern AU and here was this fangirl with messy hair and merch all over her room, yes even if him, asking if he wants a snack if all things. 

"A snack?"

You smiled and stood up. Well  it was more of a half smirk or a snide smile. Yeah let's go woth the second one. You pushed my in your chair like those scrubs do at school and went to the door, opening it. You cleared your throat.

"Skeleton's first."

Ink slowly just leaned his giant paintbrush against the wall and walked over to the door, exiting your bedroom to see the rest of the house as a normal place for your AU. Ink waited for you to depart the room yourself before asking you a question.

"So you know about me?"

He pointed down to your shirt. You snickered a bit under your breath.

"What kind of UnderVerse fan would I be if I didn't know the great Ink, creator of Alternate Universes? You're one of my favorites by the way."

You punch his shoulder as if you knew him all your life. Oddly enough, the gesture made Ink slightly more comfortable. It sure as hell was better then being thrown into this universe during a convention and those fangirls wanting to kiss his skull and confirm if he had a tongue. And... other things... that memory makes hims shuddere every time. It chills his bones. Ink tried to take his mind off it.

"So, what were you doing before Error threw me back into the Modern AU?"

He looked in your eyes, chin were filled woth determination and joy. 

"Wait, is that what you call here? Nevermind. I was actually trying to think of a new animation. I have a high sub count and I don't want to let them down. But they want me to combine two of my skills which I've never done before. I got to make a parody song and animate it. I was thinking of doing a battle sequence between you and Error maybe? Since in actual time the Truce has already been called off and everything. I mean, our universe must be relitively new  yeah? What do you think of the idea?"

A battle between him and Error? Accurate. Unlike many fangirls he's met, you were quite reasonable and calm. He hardly noticed you were in the kitchen and your head was digging in the fridge while you were talking.

 Animation was a form of art, moving pictures. It sounded like fun but ink couldn't do that woth his brush. He wouldn't be of much help with the song though. He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw you slam some ingreediants on the counter.

"What kind of sandwich?"

Sandwich? Okay, being a sans and all he couldn't resist this one.

"You mean, sanswich?"

Ink watched you hold on your laugh. She drops the mayo on the counter and covers her snorts. It was adorable and dorky. Cute.

"Oh my god!"

She slams the fridge closed after getting the milk. Ink didn't know why you'd want milk with a sandwich, plus you already had a drink out for you. He watched you grab a cup, pour some milk, and hand it to him. He didn't know why.

"Come on, it's good for your bones. Calcium."

Of course, he was a stupid. He facepalmed and took the glass, taking a sip while you held a satisfied smirk. He sat down at the counter's bar as you made the sandwiches. Yeah your parents were gone for the night. Don't expect them to Barge in out of nowhere.

After a while you finished both meals and you sat next to Ink the the bar. You both enjoyed a good sandwich. He actually brought up conversation as you ate.

"You know, it's been a while since I had a peaceful moment like this. It's... nice. It's casual."

You looked at him as he takes another sip of milk. He was cooler in real life than you expected, and that was nice. You were filled with the determination you needed to make your next song and animation. You knew exactly what you were going to do...


Seriosuly, someone better animate that. If nobody does that I say the first thing I will do if I ever animate.


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