Movie Night [Palette x Dorky!Reader]

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Guess who made this request. Go on. Guess. I'll wait...



Sorry if I'm off today and feel reluctant to write. I rally need to work. It's Saturday after all. I guess.. STORYTIME.

You sat next to the colorful skeleton you love. You have started dating not too long ago, after you saved him and his friend from a bunch of bullies. You were hanging out at your place. You hoth have it made.

You got your pajamas on, you got the popcorn and Mountain Dew red. You have a smart television so you can do Netflix, Channel, or Youtube. Whatever you felt like whenever you felt like. You got blankets, pillows, and everything.

Movie Night was going to be awesome!

Right now, it was Palette's turn. Being the little bundle of energy he is he decided to put on some of his favorite YouTuber. Wonder what you were watching? Well... ha ha... Dan And Phil playing Undertale. Final episode.

Okay! You both likes YouTube gamers! Who cares if it isn't technically a MOVIE Night! But it's still basically a date and you loved it! Besides, Dan and Phil are freaking awesome! You shop them so hard!

So after that Palette was just as emotional as he was after he complete the pacifist run for the first time. You were the person who introduced him to UnderTale the video game, soooo... Yeah. May he never experience a genocide run.  He's too precious.

"That was awesome! I love how they finally get a happy ending!"

He sniffed, laughing nervously to stop crying. It was how he coped with crying. He would try laughing the pain away, kind of like Toriel in a genocide run but he doesn't know that! You flip the television off. Palette stopped, composing himself and looking at you.

"Baby... why did you turn It off?"

You smiled at him, moving your hand ontop of his and entweining your fingers after making your palms touch. You brought his hand to your lips and you gently kissed the back of his bones, abusing him to flush brightly.

"Because all I want to watch... is you."

Palette started laughs)g and tried pushing you away, but you quickly wrapped your arms around him to prevent him from doing so. He was laughing so hard while blushing he was on the verge of crying. 

"Thst was so corny oh my god!"

That's laughter meant everything to you. Thst laughter right there was your whole entire world. He was so precious and innocent, you couldn't help but try to make him flustered or make him smile that infectious grin of his!

"I don't want a lot for Christmas~"

You start to sing, even though you literally have no singing talent. Palette laughs even harder and tries to push you away, his hands all over your face to make you stop. Ha! Sorry Love, but you were filled to the brim with DETERMINATION!

"There is just one thing I need~"

"Babe no!"

"I don't care about the presents~"


"Underneath the Christmas tree~"


"I just want you for my own~"


"More than you can ever know~"


"Make my wish come true~"

"STOP IT!!!"

"All I want for Christmas~"





With that you out him underneath you on the couch. He looks adorable in his cute Thomas the tank engine pajamas. You look at him with a while look in his eye. He get scared. You can see it in his eyes. Eyesockets? You were still wrapping your head around the skeleton logic. 






You were hovering your hand above where his stomach would be, wriggling your fingers as if you simulate a sensation of sorts. His face was flushed, he was scared. Scared but excited. Filled with anticipation for when you would start.

You grinned maliciously. You've been waiting for the perfect moment to pounce on him like you just did. You couldn't wait to make Him scream, holler, and shriek. This was going to be very pleasurable to you~


 You punched, hands digging into his bones and giving light brushes to act like a feather. Palette was laughing very, VERY hard now. He hated tickles! But he loved tickles! He was conflicted! But he always loved it when you'd palmer him like this.

And you loved it too.

Heh heh, you thought things were getting steamy. Lol NOPE! 


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