Dumb Ways to Die [Reaper!Sans x Reader]

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... uh. Trigger warning? Ish...


Sans knew there were many dumb ways to die. Hit by lightning, falling off a cliff, car accidents, but there is one mode of death he never could understand, therefore found the most idiotic:


Why would someone want to die? Wasn't life valued, beautiful, and something to Ben protected in a living being's eyes? Wasn't life soemthing they want to horde, soemthing they would do anything to keep for themselves? 

Then... why? Why would someone want to die? Recently, humans on the surface have reached a number where more teenagers between the ages of thriteen and eighteen are dying not because of a stupid accident, but because they want to. He didn't understand, Palyrus didn't understand, nobody could understand. The only people who could understand were those who committed the crime themselves. 

Another suicide victim was ready to go. They stood on top of the highest building in their city. They took of their shoes and left a nice note redone over fifty times to get it right. They had tears in their eyes and they looked down. Everyone was like a tiny ant to them. Sans watched, waiting for when he had to do his job and take the human away. He doesn't understand. All he understands is that he has to take the soul to hell, like all of those who do suicide. It wasn't his rule.

The human looked over the note one more time. They were fidgeting. He did understand why the suicdals left these notes, to tell someone that they died of their own accord. It's just... why? Wasn't death to be feared? Wasn't he to be feared and hated to all humanity? No, not just humanity... to life?

The human exhaled their last exhale. Tears ceasing to be and a... smile? Yeah, a smile appeared on their face. The human smiled, welcoming their own demise. Welcoming death. Welcoming him.

They fell facefirst off the building, holding their breath and closing their eyes. Sans knew that time would come in a few moments. He looked at the letter. His eye sockets scanned over the perfected words of the short paragraph.

I'm sorry I wasn't enough. I'm sorry that nobody loves me. I'm sorry that I couldn't have been born better. I'm so so so sorry. Maybe after death, everybody will be glad I'm gone. Maybe after death, everybody will go back to normal. When I'm gone, don't take me to a hospital. Don't try to make me better. There is no mending me. I've tried.

Sans looked at the human who now was a split second from colliding. He never bothered to read the suicide notes, but now he understood. These hurt lives were broken. They wanted to fix themselves  but the only way they knew how is by ridding themselves. Sans looked at his bony, skeletal hands. He rose his scythe and took the human's soul before they managed to get hurt. A painless death.

The huamn's soul was carried into the afterlife. There was a tunnel of light, ascending to heaven. Below their soul was a first hellish pit. You knew where it leads. This is the part where Sans was supposed to decide where you go. If he lets you through to heaven, or drags you down to hell with him and Papyrus.

But now... he wasn't so sure. Suicide was bad, robbing your own life. In a way it's murder. But I'd murder if yourself truly a crime anymore? People just want the hurting to stop, so they end themselves. Is that really a punishable crime for all of eternity?

The human looked at the indecisive reaper who held their fate for the end of time. They looked almost what they expected. Black robes, scythe, scary. All they didn't expect was the fact that the reaper was a skeleton. 


Sans held the suicide note. Not the actual, but the ghost of a copy. Magic. Don't need to explain thst one for you logic Natzis out there. He saw you gasp slightly, and hold yourself as if you were still alive and hurting.

"Is this what suicide is? Relief in death?"

Your eyes looked into his eye sockets. Sans was beginning to understand, but he couldn't. He just couldn't wrap his skull around this whole suicide thing and how it should be punished. Everything was so confusing now. But you nodded, opening your mouth to speak.

"It's hard to keep living if everyone wants you to just die, right?"

He heard you stifle a very awkward laugh. He looked down before stepping out of your way. A staircase to heaven escalated you up. 

"I'm supposed to bring all you suicidals to Hell, but there's been a change of plans. Have fun in heaven, kid."

Sans was silent. You were silent. You floated your soul over to him. You placed your deathly hand on death's Shoulder. Wow say that ten times fast. You give him a small smile.

"If I'm supposed to burn in Hell, why am I not?"

That was a first. Someone who was supposed to go to heaven wanting to go down to hell. Or at least, he thought you wanted to go to Hell. This was so confusing. He let out a chuckle, a deep one at that.

"You suicidals really are crazy, huh? Alright kid, down we go."

Sans grabbed your hand and began your decent down into the flaming pits.

And I'm ending it there, sorry this is trash.


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