A Place I Can Never Leave [Asriel x Reader]

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Request by an old nirchian friend of mine named TophatWolfie. Don't ask.

It had been almost a year since the monsters were freed and you got your sister back as the ambassator Of monster kind.

Frisk would tell you of her adventures in her own way, explaining the underground and How amazing it was there. Her friends would do so too, explaining the various  environments contained under a single mountain. 

Frisk let you go to the underground. No more dangers since no more inhabitants were down there, right? You had nothing to fear, Frisk had nothing to fear. You were perfectly safe and alone.

That's when you found a field of golden flowers. Beside the golden flowers was another's monster. He looked exactly like Toriel and Asgore back on the surface. He was holding a pot with a flower in his hands, crying.

You hid behind a nearby wall, peering around it to watch him. Your heart broke inside with each little son exiting the little goat boy's mouth. You wanted to do something, but.... 

Suddenly his head rose. He turned and his eyes scanned the area behind him. Nothing. He thought he heard breathing. He thought he heard someone. Someone very familiar.


He softly called out. He hope Hope hoped it was actually his sibling. For once, it actually would be Chara and they finally came back for him. He hoped that his sibling had finally come back. But alas, that was impossible. The silence confirmed this, but he could still feel the presence.


A gasp. Northeasternly behind a wall. Asreil stwred over there, trying to focus his hearing on that spot. Sure enough, muffled breathing could be heard from the direction. He carefully placed the pot and golden flower on the ground before walking over there.

You held your hand over your mouth I never fear, slumping down against the back of the pilllar. Then his eyes were staring into your own terrified orbs. You stiffled a sharp inhale. Was he going to hurt you?!

"You're not Frisk... or Chara. Who are you?"

His voice was kind. You liked at his extended hands offering to help you up. You cautiously took it, letting him hoist you up. As just a kid, you were shorter than him. He looked kinder than you could ever be. 

"I'm... uh... (Your name)."

You make eye contact with your own feet. He has a nice giggle coming From his chest. It reminded you of Toriel's sweet voice.

"(Your name), huh? That's a nice name."

There was a comfortable yet at the same time awkward silence after he said that. After a few moments, he grabbed your hand and led you back to the flower patch he wasn't crying by just before. He sits down cross legged and offers a spot next to him. You gladly take it. Your eyes go to the potted flower. But he talks anyway.

"Well, I'm Asriel. It's lonely down here."

You tear your eyes away from the plant and look at... asreil? That kinda sounded like a ship name for Toriel and Asgore. But it was a very nice name. You see thst he has a sad glint in his eye as he darts them down to the flowers below you both.

"Then why don't you just leave?"

Asreil sighs. He looks over to the plant, redirecting your attention to it instead of him. He squeezed your hand painfully.

"See That flower? I am that flower. If I leave my soul vanishes and I become a flower again. I don't want to be soulless... I don't want to be evil again..."

He hiccups like he was about to cry. Flowey? You know about flowey! He tried to kill Frisk! But How was this nice monster that soulless demon that's came straight from hell? Sans's words, not yours.

"Hey, don't cry. I'll make you nor lonely. I can stay."

He wiped his eyes with his sleeve  looking at you. You squeezed his hand back. Making a childish plan in your brain filled you with determination. It reflected from your eyes into Asriel's. Asriel entwined your tiny hands into his, instead of just holding your hand.

"Alright then! You shall stay!"

His voice echoed a bit. You giggled. He giggled. And you'd spend as long as you could with Asriel. You didn't want him to be lonely.

Wow that was absolutely garbage! I'm sorry guys!


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