Nowhere To Hide~ [Yandere!UnderSwap!Sans x Bunny!Reader]

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I know I used this video already but I don't care! The request is for candy-lin. I kinda procrastinated on this working on a book for my friend. Whoops. This will probably be short and very bad.

"Oh (yoooooooour naaaaaaame)~"

The creepy and cheerful voice called out for you. You tried to sprint out of there. Being small and nimble it was easy to escape. Fear filled your whole being. Being a rabbit kind of monster you normally were fearful and skiddish, but snow you had a great reason to be afraid.

"Where aaaaaaaare you~"

The instant you heard his voice again you set off sprinting another way. You pause, looking around. Your nose was twitching like crazy. Where to hide!? Where to hide!? You search frantically for a hiding place.

There! There! A hollow tree! You jump into the hole and burrow your way into the large hollow tree of Snowdin forest. You watch through a tiny peephole your chaser trying to find you. Your heart was racing and you were trying to quiet you small, frantic breaths.

The short blue skeleton held a cleaver in his hand with a wicked smile painted over his jaw. He wandered the forest, looking for you. Behind every rock. Around every tree. Coming closer and closer. Suddenly, you made a very very big mistake.

Eye contact

"Ah~ There you are!"

He walked over to the tree, further worsening your anxiety. He chopped a hole through it using his cleaver with one fell swing. He picked up the small you, despite being even smaller than you, and he held you in his arms. You knew no better than to squirm, because then he would crush you to death.

"You Know you cannot  hide from me~"

I told you. Sorry. I'm not good with monster readers.


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