Found [Sans x Dancer!Reader]

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A request for a dancing reader from SIColorsOfTheRainbow. Hey, I've started naming the exact request I was given in the title! This will suck, I know it. And I'm sorry in advance.

You listen to the music. You were alone in the studio your mother owned. What kind of studio? A ballet studio. But you never were interested in just pure ballet. You like do to mix dancing styles into your own elegant yet energetic style.

Arms foldin in, extend out, leg up, spin. Two rotations land back to the front and curtesy a little, move left arm above head a d extend right arm to audience. Focus on one member, pretend to grab them. Bring air, in to chest and one eighty. Criss cross, one eighty again. 

Step open left, cross right over left, mirror. Wink at audience. Swing arm down and up again elegantly. Pop hips out both sides, spin around three rotations while moving closer to crowd. Leg up, lean back, extend leg in the air along with arm. Wipe arom over face, place leg on the floor crossed over other slowly, jerk head to left down corner. End.

You were breathing heavily. You finished  your routine you created. It could use lots of work. You wanted to perfect it before self critique by camera. You relax your stance and look in the mirror wall behind you. You were sweating. Gross. Nobody likes a sweater.

That's when you heard clapping behind you. Wait, you thought you were alone! You whipped around, spinning actually, to see your favorite skeleton standing in the doorway with a phone out and recording. He had a skeletal smirk wiped over his face.

"Heya kid, nice moves."

Wow, he cracks himself up. You couldn't help but snicker to yourself before lu going for his phone. He spun around to get his back, or spine, closer to you. You try to reach around him but his jacket gives him more surface area to get around so it didn't help you none.

You keep trying to reach for Sans's phone. He does soemthing with the video and shoves the phone into his coat pocket. Now that his hand smells are free, he can do this. He grabs your fingers and entwined them with his phalanges, spinning you around so your back is against his robcage and your arms are crossed over your chest. You blush ferociously.


"You know, the surface is pretty, but this little dancer seems to catch my eyescoket more."

You blush hard. You don't struggle out of his bony grip. Your heart was pounding in your chest. Sans uncorsses his amrs, causing you to spin around and face him. He takes your hands into one of his and pins your amrs above your head. He brings his other hand to your face.

"So, Kid, I heard Grillby works at Buffalo Wild Wings now. Want to head over there?"

Buffalo Wild Wings is just by the dance studio. You look sans in the eye socket. Your eyes must be wild with flusterdness, because your pulse sure was! You just nod and he lets your hand and go, allowing your arms to fall at your side.

"Cool. Come on, I know a shortcut."

You smirk.

"It's right across the street."

He just takes your hand and suddenly, you're there! Oh, that kind of shortcut! Frisk was in one of your classes and she told you about Sans's shortcuts. You can't help but smile and look around. Grillby is waiting tables. He sees sans and motions to a table with extra ketchup. Sans signals to him.

Wait a second.


There we go! Short, but I kinda enjoyed writing this. Oh well. What do I need to do to make these actually halfway decent? Tell me plz.


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