Nerd! [NaJ_Fell!Goth x Nerd!Reader]

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Thank you for the request, Casey_Ridgewell, And thanks for being the first part of the extravaganza! I now have lots of requests so it's time to get busy! LETS GET DOWN TO BUISNESS

This wasn't school, it was basically fight club. And we all know the number one rule of fight club. 

Nerds are targets, prey, and devoured daily. Predators are the majority of the school. Everyone is on edge, out to get ya. Everyone has to be tough, or at least seem it, so they aren't the ones with spitballs lodged onto their heads or sharpie on their lockers and backs saying that's nobody should like them.

UnderFell High was not a good place to go to school on the inside, but on the outside it seems like to he perfect high school for your perfect kid to go graduate and become a perfect man or woman of society. Why? Because this is where you learn it's every monster, or man, for themselves. 

Ecspecially being one of the only humans in the goddamn school.

Every day you left with spitballs in your hair, scratch marks on your body, and sharpies on your skin saying stuff like "kick me!" "Punch me!" "Taze me!" And other shit. It was tiring, bit you had to keep pushing through.

Hold your head and count the days, we're graduating soon. College will be paradise if you're not not dead by june. Dreaming of ivy covered walls and Smokey french cafes. Fight the urge to strike a match and send this school ablaze.

But... there were some good people here. You've seen the soft sides of a few people from the shadows. Palette used to be an amazingly sweet kid, and Goth used to be a perfect model student who hated violence. You like to hold on to believing that they still had that in them. That it was just a front.

But no.

The school really did change them. They won't even give you a sideways glance anymore. It hurts. You didn't have the guts to even talk to Gothy. Goth was closer to you than Palette ever was. He was your best friend and crush. This dreaded school change day him, but it didn't change your feelings.

You would sigh to yourself everyday, watching him change and get with people who just made him even worse. You couldn't do anythinf but watch from afar. You had no allies, no friends, no way to tell him this is wrong.

The only thing that's hasn't changed is his love for books and his time in the library. He would make sure nobody was near when he went. You knew it was because he didn't want to be seen as a nerd.

You would follow him and hide when he glanced your way. Stalkerish, you know. But it was the only way to still be able to see him without ruining his reputation, which he actually gives a shit about now.

You decide to suck it up for the day. You decided to be brave for once. Your soul flashed orange and you walked out into his line of sight, but he was busy reading some book. Of course. Once in a storyline Gothy could never pull himself out. This made you smile.


He was obviously shocked by hearing that nickname again. He flinched hard and looked up. He scoffed at you hostilely.

"What do you want, Nerd?"

He spat out the words as If they weren't worth his time. You frowned. He really changed so much. He didn't even remember you. This took a blow to your self esteem. A very hard and painful blow.

"I just... wanted to see you..."

Goth turned back to his book, barely giving you a notice of his attention. He was reminding you that you weren't worth it. He was reminding you that social status was everything, and you didn't have it. He reminded you of how worthless you were.

"Well you saw me, now get lost."

You bowed your head a little, giving in to his wishes. You walked away. Your heart and soul were crushed. Cracks froming in your soul. You had enough. Enough of this stupid school. Enough of this stupid life.

Where was that pocket knife? You needed to powder your nose.

Sad, I know. And I'm sorry. But UnderFell is a cruel place.


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