Proud of Me [UnderSwap!Sans x Reader]

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Hey again! It is I the Idiotic Evangeline! Coming back with another one shot once again. I know my stories are bad, this is true. But I have made a fluffy one shot just for you!

You were sitting on the couch in Papyrus's and Sans's home. The television was on and MettaBlook was rocking the crowd with some sick beats. You were holding a bottomless in your hands. What was in the bottle? A coke that Sans had gotten you.

You were here because Sans, your little blueberry, was feeling awful. Not sick awful, but sad awful. You suggested he make tacos because he loves tacos. Who doesn't love tacos? He popped up a bit but you were afraid it wasn't enough.

That's when the Magnificent Sans graced yourself with his presence and a plate of tacos, just the way you both loved them. Lots of meat, lettuce, and sour cream and easy on th tomatoes and cheese. He even used his special sauce for the meat! You knew because they were dripping with flavor. Uh oh, something really must be wrong if he used the special sauce.


He sighed and placed the taco tray on the table in front of the couch, on top of Pappy's magazines for some other stuffs.  He was out at Muffet's like always. It seemed to be affecting his brother.


Still no response. In his eye sockets and blue pupils the normal stars were gone, he looked blank. He absent mindedly grabbed a taco and munched the front off, chewing and eating it with no expression. He had some sauce on the corner of his jaw. He barely noticed it, which was odd. Out of character kind of odd.


You tried a different name for him. Still nothing. He just sighed and took another bite. Okay this was really wrong. Okay, you really didn't want to do this to him but you had no choice. It was the only way.

"Come on, Sans, why are you so blue-berry?"

He flinched and gave you a sideways glance and pour before turning on his seat to face you with his arms crossed. He still had the stain of sauce on the side of his jaw Andy a little dripped down To his bandana like scarf thing.


You sighed, taking your index finger and wiping his skull clean, getting all the sauce off. You lick the tip of your finger. Huh, it was actually way better than his normal attempt at tacos! He's getting better! Sans had a bit of blue on his cheekbones but you ignored it. It was short lived anyways.

"I know, but it was the only way I could get your attention, my magnificent blueberry."

You placed your hand on his cheek. Sans sighed and leaned into your Human touch. He reached his gloved bony hand and pressed your hand closer to the face of his skull, blue dusting his cheekbones again. He had gotten used to these gestures since you started not dating, but it was still a bit embarrassing. But now he was just blue. Pun NOT intended!

"Well, apparently this magnificent blueberry isn't enough to make Pappy proud of me...."

You flinched. He thinks thst Papyrus wasn't nice proud of him?! Was that because Alphys wouldn't let him in the Royal guard!? Because that's for a totally different reason! The royal guard is mostly dogs, A. And She doesn't want to see him hurt, B. You tried to force him to look you in the eye but his pupils kept avoiding your gaze.

"Sans, look at me."

His blue, almost lifeless pupils still looked away. Years started leaving his eye sockets and dripping down, one by one like a broken water tap. Oh no, you won't let your precious cinnamon roll too perfect for this world cry and believe that he wasn't enough.

"Sans, I said look at me."

He wouldn't look your way. He started shaking. He was going to cry if he kept this up. No. You woudltn let that happen. It was too heartbreaking just to see him frown, seeing him cry would anialate you.

You had to take a chance to keep his attention on you. You pecked his teeth with a kiss, causing him to stiffen in surprise and dart his pupils to look into your own. There we go. You moved your hand so to his shoulders.

"Sans, I swear to Queen Toriel papyrus is so proud of you he can't stand himself. The way you're so strong fighting despite your size Andy your ability to always stay positive and determination is beyond this universe. Everywhere you go, you spread joy. Paps isn't just proud of you, he's jealous. And I'm lucky to be dating the most adorable, happy, prideful, and magnificent skeleton in the UnderVerse. So if you think Papyrus and I aren't proud of you, you'd be damn wrong."

Through his tears, you felt him stifle a small laugh. You looked at him, raising an eyebrow and holding back a smirk.


He chuckled again through his tears.

"We have to w-wash your filthy mouth."

You rolled your eyes and scoffed, making Sans laugh more. The last of his tears left as he booked it for the bathroom to get a bar of soap. There was a rule in the house made by you and Paps: if you cuss in front of sans he gets to wash your mouth out with soap.

So I think went from a sad, feels moment to sans scouring the house with a bar of soap, calling your name and trying to find you. Good thing you had the perfect hiding place....

Mweh heh heh!

I just wanted that ending. I'm sorry! Was this worth those two authors noted and Blooky oneshot?


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