Love is for the Weak [Underfell!Sans x Reader]

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Huge thanks to NdragonEyes I'm constantly keeps me determined. Pun intended. Now... y'all ready for a great time?

Snowdin wasn't a happy place, then again Underfell in general wasn't a happy place either. 

Everyone's at eachtoher's necks. Always out for reputation. Power hungry cycles for all eternity. Fights, dust, bloodshed, pain. Underfell wasn't eh best place to live if you were someone peaceful. Peaceful is for pacifist. And pacifists are pussies. We can't  have any pussies now can we?

That's why you're here. If you can get on both the good sides of Undyne and the Great Papyrus's maybe you'd be home free. Maybe you won't gotta fight. You weren't one to get your hands dusty. That job belonged to the bloodthirsty soldiers. The job you were forced into by birthright.

Papyrus put you on sentry duty. He said you'd be better than his lazy ass brother. Hey, his words not yours. He still out sans on duty without him knowing you were there, but who were you to care? Right now he held your life in his bony hands. 

You were patrolling around your designated area, which overlapped woth both Sans's and Papyrus's. 

You saw the skelleton in red himself resting against a tree. Heh, so the boss was right. Sans really is a lazy bones. Whelp, Papyrus said to wake him up and punish him if you catch him sleeping. Then again... You weren't one to punish someone.


You say, stepping directly in front of the lounging skeleton. No response but a short snore. Someone's ready for a bad time. You lifted up his arms and too much off his coat. Still asleep. Heavy sleeper, eh? This will be fun.

You took his coat and wore it yourself. You took some snow and made him a snow hat and placed it carefully on his skull. You plucked some grass from under the snow and placed it in between his phalanges. You reversed his shirt so it was both inside out and backwards and switched his shoes around. 

Oh shit. The boss was approaching.


His voice thickened the armopshere. Shit. You tensed up an and turned around. Sans snapped awake hearing Papyrus's voice. 

"S-sir I-I-I was doing as you told me! You s-said punish sans if i find him sleeping!"

You don't know why, but you tugged on then jacket you were now wearing. Papyrus raised a nonexistent eyebrow, but you got the gesture. His gaze snapped over st Sanskrit, who looked like he stumbled home after drinking a few gallons in underlust. No, let's rephrase that. He looked like he needed someone to wake him up inside.

Sans just got consciousness and now he was in trouble? Great. Juuuuuuuuuust great. He let out a short sigh before looking at himself. Jesse Christ he looked like he came Fromm some other universe. He smacked his forehead with his 'hand'.

"Sans, what's did I say about sleeping on the job?!"

Papyrus had his hands scoldingly on his hips, a glare onto his eye sockets. He growled at his apparent 'co worker' in despise. Heh, they kinda looked cute in the jacket. But he still hated them for this. 

"Don't do it again."

Papyrus strode up to him and slapped him across the face. 

"Next time, I'll do worse."

Papyrus turned on heel and walked off. You let out a puff of air you hardly noticed you we're holding. Then you felt you're collar twist and tighten up. You were pinned against the very tree Sans was resting on.

"Look, punk. I don't need ya making life harder on me. So mind ya damn businessman and we'll get along. Capiche?"

You nodded hastily and he dropped you to the snowy floor. How's you were intimidated when he looked so ridiculous still surprised you internally but you were still scared. He held out his hand demandingly.


He barked and you hastily gave him back his prized article of clothing. He scowled.

"Back to your station."

You ran back to where your patrol area was. San should readjusted himself in case anybody was lurking in the shadows. There always is someone, if it's ain't Paps already. He sighed and snickered to himself.

"It's nice bein in charge of someone. I see where Paps gets it."

He looked back where you ran of. You were shaking in your boots. You were weak, even by his standards. It was obvious you needed someone to protect you. You looked like you couldn't hurt a fly. 

Heh, it was kinda adorable.

Okay I actually wrote this in his voice. Is that bad? This isn't really FLUFF but it has moments. Like it?


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