Curious Curious [Nightmare!Sans x Reader]

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I haven't done him in a while. I guess it's time for that! Oh, the video isn't unrelated. I just thought it was frickin adorable. I really need to stop forgetting to name those little things.... STORYTIME!

You always felt yourself being watched, but you were used to it. Having a target on your back was always the norm for someone like you. Why someone like you? Because your a nerd. A huge, overanylitical, Nerd.

You didn't care about labels and what other people called you. You stuck to yourself most of the time. But... you couldn't help but feel a little bit lonely in your own life. With parents constantly away or even overseas, you were completely and utterly alone.

Burnon the plus side almost every single class had a perfect grade! All one hundred on the grade book! Except Physical Education, you weren't much of a workout fanatic like other girls. You could do all of the excersizes better and faster than everyone else, but you simply didn't want to and that brought down the quality of your effort.

But this afternoon, after school, you were walking down the sidewalk, when you saw a black cat. It stared up at you with a singular blue eye, the other apparently covered up by... slick fur? No, that didn't look like fur. The creature looked like it was dipped in tar or some other black gooey fluid. You coruched down in front of the cat.

"Hey, little guy. Are you lost? What happened to you?"

You talked to it as if you expected it to reply. Animals were a soft spot for you most of the time. You let the car sniff your hand before you even tried to pick into up, letting it know you were careful not to disturb the poor kitty. The cat let you pick it up and you carried it like you would a human child.

"Wow, I'm not getting anything on my arms. Fascinating."

It definitely felt like goo or something. It felt like tar. The cat smiled. Wait a second... cat could smile? No, not like this. This was like a Cheshire grin. The catjumoed out of your arms once again before a horrendous sight appeared before your eyes.

The cat started to grow. Large lu of coming ifrom within its body adding more mass of tart liquid to it. It grew until it resembled a human but its limbs hard the resmeblence Of a skeleton. LArge, black tentacles sprouted from its back. It flares you in the eye. The only emotion you felt was curiosity, no fear whatsoever. Clearly the beast knew that and was annoyed. He let his deep, velvet voice growl out this complaint.

"You're supposed to fear me, like all others in this AU."

AU? Hat could that mean. If you replace the word AU with world it would still make sense. So AU could have something to do with differently worlds. Well, there is a U so it could stand for universe. But what does the A mean? Theory formed. You stared in the cyan eye of the goop monster.

"I simply can't fear when I want to understand something. The adrenal gland doesn't kick into my systems unless something truly mortifying is about to chase or kill me or I am in a life or death situation. I'm sorry if you were hunting for reactions."

On nightmare's perspective, the answer was very respectable. This girl clearly had the smarts to known  lot about humans on surfaces of worlds. This AU was entirely made of humanism, our no monsters roamed neither underground nor on the surface. With her seemingly fearless self Andy her wit, she could be a useful asset to him. Plus, humans in this world have no SOULs, so they can be easily manipulated into having one and gaining powerful magic. He wasn't already co sidering kidnapping you.

"So you want to know about me?"

He watched you mover your hair behind your ear, revealing a pencil. Your other hand reached in your schoolbag you were still wearing and pulled out a tiny notepad. You looked in his cyan eye the whole time.

"You seem like a intriguing subject."

Nightmare chcukled, opening a rift in the space time continuum so you could follow him to the anti void. When it opened he saw a flash of purple surround you. Humans in this universe have condensed souls around them he called aura. Your aura had purple in it. Normally, for humans here, that was a bad thing. But for everywhere else, that meant you had persistence. One of the seven strongest soul types. 

"Follow me, and you will know more than you can ever learn in this pathetic AU."

There was that phrase again. AU. Something universe. Alternate? That sounded right. Alternate universe. In other alternate universes to this one. But yet, what if this universe was the alternate? Which u inverse was the true universe? Theory in progress.

Without so much as a hesitation to your lonely life's, you followed the creature of nightmares through the rift and into the anti void, beginning your work as one of his lackeys and/or slaves and/or scientists.

Was this good? Yeah no it wasn't. I'm sorry. Tonight. Is my ver last softball practice before tournament so wish me luck on Saturday! That also means NO UPDATES ON SATURDAY. Be warned.


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