Bath time! [Adult!Pj x Reader]

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Because just look at him! AWWWW!!! Also heads up this really isn't an xreader just a cute little thing. Trust me it's worth it.

You were running around, trying to catch the three Baby Bones who definitely didn't want to be the first batch in bath time. Well, two of them didn't want to. Fresh just clung to your coworker, PJ, like a giant teddy bear.

So you were casing Error and Ink around. Ink was crying softly while running And error was somewhat glitching out and being a grumpy gus. PJ was running the bath and Fresh was with him. YOU CAN HANDLE THIS YOU SWEAR!!!

Finally! You scooped up Error in one area, trifling to keep him still. You forgot about shy little Ink for a moment. And that's all you did for, a moment. Because in thirty seconds there's were tiny fists pounding at your legs, and a little bit of excess from his melting ring pop.

"Put him down! Put him down!"

Awww. Little Inky wants his hubby back! Oh yeah, they got 'married' after fresh kept saying he wanted to marry PJ. Honestly, kids were adorable and you wanted some of your own. But the closest thing you had to even a boyfriend was PJ, him being your crush and all. But Fresh won't have any of that, oh no no no. Besides, Lusty would go crazy if he found out.

You giggled but then yelped when Error bit your arm, but you kept him in place. He was trying to keep his own ring pop uncovered. Both were cherry, which was still pretty fricking adorable. You had an idea.

"Hey, inky. If I put error Down will you go take your bath with Fresh and Mister PJ?"

Inky looked up at you, his eyescoekts still teary. Error pouted at this arrangement. He actually had his own Imput on this.

"No! I don't wanna bath with Fresh nor PJ! I wanna bath with my Inky and my Inky only!"

You forgot how good at talking error was. Ink nodded in agreement. You couldn't help but giggle. You set Error down and immediately he hugged his sad, smol, scared 'husband'. You smiled watching them for a moment before walking to the bathroom. You cracked the door and stuck in a hand, to make sure you were safe to walk in.

"You're good, (Your name)."

PJ's voice said from the other side. You walked in and saw Fresh paddling around the large bathtub, since he had all the extra room. The daycare had one large bathroom with a tub, and one regular bathroom with just a toilet and a sink. Pj was on the side, helokg  fresh out. It was really adorable. Then fresh glared a bit at you. Fresh didn't like you much, he saw you as 'competition'.

"Hey, Error And Ink just want a bath on their own. It's that fine?"

"Huh? Why? I thought they liked Fresh."

"Well.... They wanted to be on their own. I think it has to do with them being 'maried'."

You put air quarters around married and PJ got the gist. Freshen stood up in the tub and grabbed PJ's hand.

"Well we're married and I want a bath with just us two!"

PJ chuckled with a small blush, you mimicked the action. This was so adorable. He looked over to you and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry'. You mouthed back 'its fine' before leaving the room. Two little skeletons would be really happy in a few seconds.

You walked back over to Error and Ink. You caught the two Kinders at a bad time because Ink was crying again for some reason Andy error was comforting jim again with small kisses. Awww. This was adorable! You wished you had a camera. 

"Woah, what's wrong?"

Error looked over to you. He held up his hand to reveal his ring pop was missing. Ink also held up his. Where were their little ring pops?!

"One Of then daycare people took them away since we didn't eat them."

Error said sadly and Shy Little Ink cried again. This melted your little heart. You had an idea, searching your pockets for two little things. You took out two rings. One ring was your Mom's wedding ring she left you in her will after she passed away, the other ring was one you bought yourself. You wanted to propose to PJ sooner or later, despite any stereotypes. Oh well. They were two amazing rings. You looked at the boys.

It was at this moment PJ and Fresh finished their little bathtime. PJ was begged by Fresh to carry him so he obliged. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the two gorgeous diamond rings in your hand. Why would you have two rings? The only ring he knew you had was your mother's.

"Error, Ink. These rings are very important to me. For today, you can use them. Tomorrow's i will buy you both different rings so I can have mine back. Okay?"

Ink had literal stars in his eyescokets. Error just focused on the shininess of the proposal ring. He took the one you wanted to give to PJ and placed it on his finger. It was a little big but he still treasured it. He looked over to Ink, who took your mother's ring. He was so in awe on how big the diamond was. You couldn't help but smile at their reactions.

PJ put Fresh down and to,d him to go play with Blueberry and Dream, since those two were always a bundle of fun. Fresh didn't want to go but he did. PJ started to walk behind you, error, and Ink.

Ink and error were giving you hugs. Tiny baby kid hugs. It made you feel responsible. And you loved it. You stood up as they ran off together to admire the rings and their so called marriage. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you stood straight up and turned around to meet the eyesockets of PJ.

"You have another wedding ring? ...Who's the lucky man?"

Oh. PJ looked heartbroken, and you felt the same way. You placed your hand on his. You looked in his eyesockets. 

"PJ, I'm not married yet. Nor am I engaged. I was waiting to propose to the man of my dreams."

This only hurt PJ more. You were going to propose to someone else. Well, he might as well know who he lost the battle of your affections to. It better not be Pallette or Goth, because they are a couple. Oh god of its stupid Jeffery he was gonna murder somebody!

"Who... who are you gonna propose to?"

You saw PJ look down. You frowned, then got an idea. You took his hand into you're own, entwined your fingers in his phalanges, and kissed him on the teeth. His face shot up with a blush and he looked in your eyes.

"You. I just need the ring back."

PJ chuckled and pulled you into a hug. Little did you both know is that you were getting death glares from an  certain baby bones.

If you said 'aww' at least once raise your hand! *raises hand*


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