SURROGATE?! [NaJPalette x Reader x NaJGoth]

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My first request of the list of amazingness by the lovely chara_dreemurr65. Thanks! I'm doing all request in th order I got them so no unfairness is here. I'm also sorry his took so long, I had to go out with friends to some elementary school carnival for her little brother. It was kinda burning but I also got "drunk"on dr. Pepper so.... BUT ENOUGH ABOUT ME IT IS STORY TIME MUH DUDES!

You sighed and stared of fun into space while having an open book before you. School had gotten more interesting since the monsters came, sure. Life had gotten more interesting. But soemthing felt empty. You felt alone. Just without the bullies.

So you were just in the library, "reading" some random book, when a skeleton you knew from your math class came over, slid next to you, and smirked. This was Palette. He is a little all over the place but he's lustful her trustful and he has somebody to Love. His name is Goth, who happened to be in your literacy class.

"Hey, (Your name.) Quick question, do you like me?"

That took you completely off guard! You jumped in your seat and looked him dead in the eyesockets. He was joking you. This had to be a prank. Even if you did, he had a boyfriend. Well  a bonefriend. Man, would coach Sans be proud of that one!

"Well, you're super nice and a little ambitious. I like you."

You just prayed he meant platonically. If not he  was basically flirting with a girl when he had a boyfriend. That's just wrong.

"And... do you like Gothy too?"

At this point, Goth himself was lurking in the library like he often does. He saw Palette talking to you, a girl he thought was a little cute and clumsy. But he still loved Palette with all his heart! Someone can still be cute but not be the hold of one's heart. He was curious when he heard the conversation. He heard a few lines and got mad Inside. Was palette cheating on him!?

"Well, Goth is very nice. I worked with him on one project and he helps me when I need it. So I guess I do. He's a great friend."

Goth was surprised by your answer. He hummed quietly to yourself but eyes the one he loves most. Or, eyesocketed the one he loves most. Palette then exclaimed a little louder than one would hope for in a silent environment.

"Perfect! Then you wouldn't mind dating us!"

Woah woah WOAH!!! Both you anf Goth we're taken aback. Oh fel, backwards out of your chair and somehow landed on Goth. When did he even get there god damn! You were blushing, he was blushing, Palette was just being an energetic cinnamon roll.

"P-Palette, what is th-this!?"

You roll off of him. Goth stands up to meet Palette, who is also standing up. He looked genuinely confused. As if he was thinking 'why was he mad?' He had that's kind of look in his eyesockets. Palette tried to explain. 

"Well, since we are both male we can't have kids. So I thought if we can get a girlfriend together we can have kids and there's just more to love!"

He said that as if it was a flawless plan. But wait a second, weren't skeletons magic? And how the heck do skeletons breed!? You know what? Screw this fanfiction Logic. The fandom can't even explain this one.

"But you can't just force some girl to do it for you! Plus why didn't you talk to me first!?"

Goth was flustered and a little agitated. You just watched from the sidelines as this played out. You were flustered, but at the same time wishing you had a bag of popcorn. You ship it so god damn hard.

"Well you said she was cute before, so I thought you wouldn't mind! And she even said she likes us! I don't see anything wrong here."

He pouted. Wow he was adorable when he does that. Wait a second, goth called you cute? Huh. He must have a thing for kawaii uke people/monsters. Goth sighed and placed his hand, phalanges and all, ontop of his hat.

"I thought you were cheating on me. One. Two. Ask nicely and don't just assume."

He didn't look mad at the situation. That just made it even more shiverable. Wait a second. Were Palette and Goth both okay for using you as their subordinate!? What the heck! Well, you wouldn't mind much but they were okay with this!? Holy crap!

Goth and Palette turned towards you. Palette was pouting a little and Goth had a serious look swept over his skull. 

"(Your name), will you be our girlfriend?"

Palette asked nicely. Goth relaxed and let his grip on his skull go. He even had a gentle smile. You hardly realized you were sitting down and staring up at them. You swear you had those Steven Universe stars in your eyes.

"Huh, will I date the two most awesome guys at our school? Huh, let me think...."

You resend to ponder it and Goth let's a snicker out. Palette has a grin wash overnight his jawline and he pounced next to you. He pulled you into a large hug. Even though he was slightly smaller than you he still hugged you from behind.

Goth shook his skull and walked around, hugging palette from behind. Hug train with you as the engine. All aboard!

Cute ending. How was this? Sorry I'm late.


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