Popular Guardian Part Four [NaJ_ Unfresh x Reader]

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Because KawaiimaidtreatcafeGelotophobic, AND Casey_Ridgewell were commenting that they would have dated UnFresh instead. Here ya go. This is what we get right now instead of the "special" oneshot I was planning. Oh! And this was moved to keep the chronological order. Read the previous three to understand what the actual heck is going on.

Dating PJ was not what you expected. This isn't what you wanted, yet it was what you asked for. You were the one who showcased yourself and put up a popular front to make him want you, And this was the consequence.

PJ made you constantly stay with no his friends and never let you hang with Palette or Goth. This really hurt your relationship and whenever you had the rare chance to call or text them they seemed a little disinterested or mistrusting. PJ would make you bully other people and he would make you laugh. You would give the poor victim pitying looks. And if he so much as tried to lay a hand on your friends you would flee. He made you wear revealing and short clothing all the time and forced you to wear makeup every single day. You hated this. You didn't want this. This was the life someone else would enjoy.

The only person PJ was okay with you hanging out with and that you were ome hundred percent Comfortable with was UnFresh. Right now, his offer he had two months ago wasn't looking too bad. You sighed and sat next to him one day.

"I don't think I can do this. Wear these clothes. Act like I don't care. I do care. I hate that I  hurting everyone..."

You told him and you remember his glasses. It was the first genuinely concerned thing you ever heard him say. Well... saw him think. It was a simple phrase, yet it meant a lot to you. I'm so sorry. He obviously cared. You would just run away with UnFrssh to get away from PJ right now, but three things are wrong here. One being UnFresh is PJ's right hand man. Two being the fact you would be destroyed if you left PJ out of nowhere. 

Three... three was because this was your first relationship. The first time you ever were dating someone. The first time you ever kissed someone, held someone's hand, and had someone call you theirs. It felt okay at first. It felt amazing. But after being the cause of pain to ones you used to relate to... you can't. This isn't love. But you were too scared to end it.

That brought you to now. Right now, you were in the cafeteria. The principal's daughter isolating herself from everyone. PJ, Bratty, Catty, Undyne, And the rest of the gang at the table. UnFresh wasn't here yet. You sat in PJ's lap, like he insisted you do. But it wasn't Insisting, more like ordering. You wore a heart neck, sleeveless shirt and some denim short shorts with long boots. Your hair was done in a cute yet messy bun and you wore piles of makeup. Thanks Catty. You felt like a clown, forced to preform.

That's when the cafeteria went silent. Everyone turned around, including PJ. You slipped off of him, thankfully, and was able to turn around. You gasped and smiled at the sight. Speakers ready to be turned on. Someone standing in the middle of everyone. 


His shades weren't too hard to read. Mine. Who was he doing this for? Was it for you? Was he still crazy for you? If so please take you away! If he was doing the thing he had you do to woo PJ it already worked. Your heart fluttered a bit. But PJ wasn't having any of this bullshit. Speakers started blaring the music, UnFresh made no hesitation to make his move.

"Hey hey, you you! I don't like your boyfriend!"

UnFresh was walking up towards you with every step. PJ had his arm resting on you protectively, but you didn't care. He wasn't in love with you. He was in love with the decade you. This was what every teenager has to figure out. If the relationship is toxic, end it. Find someone who cares and knows you for you. Like UnFresh. He was really close.

"No way! No way! I think you need a new one."

Also DAMN he could sing! He was in arms reach. His glasses read the same message. Mine. But for some reason, when he was calling you mine, even internally, it felt right. When PJ called you mine, it didn't have any more fireworks. Probably because you knew it wasn't real. PJ was growling, just like everyone else at the table. You just looked in his shades to hopefully meet his eye sockets. He reached his hand out and you tried to grasp his phalanges-tips (fingertips) but couldn't because PJ was full on hugging you know.

"Hey hey! I'd like to be your boyfriend."

You smiled wide. The first real smile you've had in four long weeks. You were about to struggle out of PJ's grasp when he stood up and shoved UnFresh off. UnFresh flinched And recovered quickly, trying to intimidate PJ from a lower height.

"What the hell! I though we were cool! Now you wanna take my girl!?"

PJ rolled up his sleeve as if he was gonna give a bitch a beatdown. UnFresh wasn't having anything. They knew eachother like they knew their own minds. Cameras were out and rolling, hungry for a fight. No. You hated physical pain more than psychological pain. You still hated them both, but fights really triggered you. 

PJ and UnFresh started circling. They were going to fight over you. You didn't want this. You thought maybe UnFresh could tell him off like you did. But PJ was a force to be reckoned with, unlike her. You wouldn't do this. You ran into the center before wither could take a swing.


You screeched. Your mascara slightly running. Everyone looked at you, one of the 'popular' girls. You hated this. You finally had enough. You took your hair down in front of everybody and stared at the crowd. PJ and UnFresh stared at you, an utter mess.

"What the hell is wrong with you?, What the hell Iswrong with us!? We start fights and pick on others! We climb for popularity when in real life it doesn't matter! We claw at eachother's Insecurities and define someone's by how they look! We don't love people who who they are, but for how they act! And how we act is how everyone want us to act! This is wrong!"

You looked around. Your eyes landed on UnFresh's shades. They flashed two messages on each spectacle. This was new. I'm sorry. And so true. PJ on the other hand looked ashamed. You sighed, walking up to him. Cameras still rolling and silence still in the cafeteria.

"You only wanted me because I pretended to be bold. You restricted me and kept me from what I love. You kept me from being myself."

Pause for dramatic effect.

"It's over."

PJ looked appalled. He was always the one breaking hearts. He never had his heart broken, ecscoecially after learning what she was nothing but artificial. Anger boiled in his bones. A girl broke up with him while people were recording!? He swung.

You were sent back into UnFresh, who caught you somewhat upright. You didn't have just a red mark. You had blood oozing from your human nose and A bruise on your cheek. PJ was boiling mad. And now, UnFresh was just as pissed. He handed you off to some random person in the crowd.

"Get her to the nurse. She won't want to see this..."

UnFresh she'd his jacket and glasses. He placed his glasses on your face and while in the crowd person's arms, put his jacket over you like a blanket. PJ shed off a layer himself, revealing a basketball jersey underneath a sweatshirt. They began circling again.

The boy carrying you rushed you away before you could see anything. Going to the nurse with this kind of dread and anxiousness was never a good thing. You thanked him as he set you down on one of the infirmary beds. The nurse treating someone before she could get to you.

You hugged the jacket and wore the glasses, preying that UnFresh would be okay. He needed to win this. PJ wasn't a dream. He was a monster. A popularity crazed, high school monster. How on earth did you ever fall for Him?

Is that what you wanted? Are you satisfied? Or will you never be satisfied?


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